A premises identification number (PIN) is a unique code that is permanently assigned to a single physical location. Registering your premises allows animal health officials to quickly and precisely identify where animals are located in the event of an animal health or food safety emergency.
As a livestock exhibitor and producer, animal health is a priority to you. The animal disease traceability system is designed to enable producers and animal health officials to control devastating livestock and poultry diseases, should they occur in the United States. This modern system is needed to minimize the impact of an animal disease outbreak.
Premises registration is the foundation of establishing a national disease traceability system. It helps you better protect your animals, your markets and your neighbors in the case of a disease event.
Premises Registration
Premises registration establishes a database of locations (premises) where livestock and poultry are housed and contact information for the owner/manager of the animals. This information is used to contact the owner/manager in the event of an animal disease emergency.
Premises Registration Requirements
Since the comingling of animals poses the greatest risk to our various livestock industries, many exhibition events require premises registration.
Exhibitors that house their livestock and/or poultry at home, should register their premises. Exhibitors that house their livestock and/or poultry at a school facility or other communal facility should ensure that the manager of that facility has registered the premises. Youth should record the PIN of the location that their animal is housed at time of entry to the fair.
Registering Your Premises
Registering your premises is simple. There is one form to complete that contains basic information about the operation and its location. The application can be submitted by U.S. Postal Service, fax or electronic mail.
The form can be downloaded online at http://forms.freshfromflorida.com/09215.pdf or you may contact the Florida Department of Agriculture’s Division of Animal Industry Office at (850) 410.0900.
Where can I find more information?
Florida Department of Agriculture Division of Animal Industry, fdacs.gov/Agriculture-Industry/Livestock
Or, Call your County Extension Agent:
Bridget Stice
Livestock Forage Extension Agent