Does your farm operation employ seasonal, part time or full time workers?
Does your farm operation use pesticides? (Even organic or non-restricted use products count here.)

If you answered yes to the questions above, you need to know about Worker Protection Standards. Worker Protection Standards is a federal requirement to inform, protect and assist workers on farms, forests, greenhouses and nurseries where pesticides are in use.
Get familiar with the requirements here:
You may be aware that the Worker Protection Standards rules and materials were updated a few years ago. If you have been wondering if you have current materials and current procedures to comply with the changes you are not alone.
Take a look at publications to explain the updates and how they may apply to you here:
Find current training materials from the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative here:
Need to get up to speed on the changes or put a new hire through Train the Trainer Certification class?
New online training available
See the new online version of WPS Train the Trainer Certification Training here:
Live training
This program is also offered around the state via classroom training at Extension offices. Find your local Extension office at or contact Ricardo Davalos, Florida FDACS WPS coordinator at (850) 528-5402 or or
The Southwest UF/IFAS Extension District cooperates to offer this training on a rotation through Polk, Hillsborough and Manatee County. The program is also held at the UF/IFAS Extension Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Balm.
Check for upcoming WPS programs below:
- Polk County
- Hillsborough County
- Manatee County and UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research Education Center (Balm)