Healthy Lifestyle Guidance from Farm to Table and Home

The University of Florida/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office, located in Dade City, offers a large variety of free healthy lifestyle and eating classes of which you may not have heard. Some of the programming includes the Family Nutrition Program (FNP), the Healthy Eating on a Budget, Veggie Gardening, and the Community Gardens Program. The Community Gardens Program develops community gardens in the low-income communities of east Pasco County with the goal to provide access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and to help citizens increase their financial security by decreasing their monthly grocery bill. The Community Gardens Program not only creates community gardens, but they also teach various vegetable gardening classes to both beginners and experienced gardeners. The Family and Consumer Sciences Extension agent also teaches classes on how to eat healthy, personal finance (& budgeting), as well as food preservation (i.e. canning) methods. The FNP Program additionally teaches classes on how families can eat healthy on a budget through programs like MyPlate and Cooking Matters. So, if you want to learn about how to grow your own food, what a healthy/balanced meal looks like, or even how to balance your personal finances, the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office has something for you. To find out about classes near you, visit our calendar or view our page on Eventbrite.

E. Santiago-Gomez and W. Elmore


Posted: January 26, 2018

Category: Community Volunteers, Food Safety, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Horticulture, Money Matters, Recreation, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Balanced Meals, Budgeting, Classes, Community Gardens, Dade City, Family Nutrition Program, Foor Preservation, Gardening, Healthy Eating, Money Management, Personal Finance, UF/IFAS Pasco Extension Office, Veggies