The Grass Class Resource Pass

Turfgrass dominates Central Florida landscapes. The living green carpet provides plenty of benefits, but turf can be a thirsty bug buffet demanding time, money, and expertise. Did you know that we put more than half of our drinking water in Florida on turfgrass, and that we actually do not have enough water to meet projected needs by 2040 unless we do something about it? Truth is, turf is mostly predictable. We know how to employ the best management practices to keep it acceptably green without excessive watering. Let’s make sure turfgrass is a peaceful plant friend adding value for Floridians, not a water hogging fertilizer feeding foe.

Use Resources!

Do not let turf be a pain in your grass. Use your resources and follow best practices to keep your lawn and landscape an escape!

The Florida Lawn Handbook:

Special thanks for great resources:

Photos: Dr. Fred Yelvington & Dr. Charles Peacock at NC State Extension

Photos: Julie McConnell at UF/IFAS Extension

Information: UF/IFAS Florida Lawn Topics by Dr. Bryan Unruh and Dr. Laurie Trenholm



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Posted: August 24, 2021

Category: AGRICULTURE, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, HOME LANDSCAPES, Home Management, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Turf, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Best Management Practices, Best Practices, Cflandscapes, Disease, Disease Management, Fertilize, Fertilizer, Florida Friendly, Grass, Grass Types, Hwooten, Integrated Pest Management, IPM, Irrigation, Mow, Mowing, Pest Management, Pests, Resources, Turf, Turfgrass, Watering, Weed Management, Weeds

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