Fertilizer: The quick approach to following laws and feeding turf

Orange County, FL fertilizer ordinance guidelines.

Fertilizer is law in Florida. Nuances of the law are different depending on state, county, or local laws in place. Many commercial landscaping businesses are responsible for keeping our lands beautiful across city and county lines. Here is a quick way to approach your landscape plan as it relates to fertilizer law and UF/IFAS research.

  1. Check you local fertilizer ordinance. There is an app for that!
  2. Test your soil. The pH is the most important for turfgrass management, but it is good have an idea of other nutrient levels.
  3. Follow UF/IFAS turf fertilization recommendations and adjust application rates and timing to follow the laws.
  4. Measure the property.
  5. Calculate the fertilizer application rates, and make sure to follow the legal limits.
  6. Calibrate your fertilizer spreader.

Orange County Fertilizer Management Ordinance

Learn more about the Fertilizer Management Ordinance in Orange County, Florida.

If you are interested in receiving Green Industry Best Management Practices Certification, please visit the website or contact me (Hannah Wooten hwooten@ufl.edu) to learn more!


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Posted: May 29, 2020

Category: HOME LANDSCAPES, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Cflandscapes, Fertilizer, Fertilizer Ordinance, Local Fertilizer Ordinance, Orange County, Orange County Fertilizer Ordinance, Turfgrass Fertilization

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