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Tag: CROC Docs

Descifrando el secreto de la pitón birmana: nuevos datos sugieren estrategias para mejorar su control

February 6, 2025

Creado por Lourdes Mederos, gerente de relaciones públicas en español para el Departamento de Comunicaciones de UF/IFAS. En un estudio pionero, científicos de University of Florida analizaron estadísticamente grandes cantidades de datos ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Invasive Species, NATURAL RESOURCES, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Alex Romer, Big Cypress, Centro De Investigacion Y Educacion De UF/IFAS En Fort Lauderdale, Contratistas, Control De Pitones, CROC Docs, Espanol, Especie Invasora, Especies Invasoras, Estrategias De Remoción, Everglades, Florida, FLREC, Generaciones Futuras, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Manejo De Pitones, Melissa Miller, Modelos Estadísticos, Piton, Piton Birmana, Procesos Ecológicos, Programa De Eliminacion De Pitones., Remocion De Pitones, Salvaguardar Los Ecosistemas, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Spanish, UF/IFAS, Vida Silvestre

Citizen science and why it matters, UF/IFAS experts explain

February 4, 2025

Have you ever noticed unusual plants, animals or insects in your area? Chances are there is way to help scientists learn more about them. Then there are invasive species – non-native species that threaten Florida’s ecosystems, agriculture ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Citizen Science, Community Engagement, Conservation, Corey Callaghan, CROC Docs, Crocodilians, Data, EddMaps, Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, Frank Mazzotti, FWC, INaturalist, Invasion, Invasion Science Research Institute, Invasive Species, ISRI, IveGot1, Lourdes Mederos, Melissa Miller, Native Species, News, Non-native Species, Paul Evans, Sergio A. Balaguera-Reina, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Geological Survey Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Information Resource System, UF IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, UF/IFAS, University Of Florida, Wildlife Ecology And Conservation

UF/IFAS scientists develop groundbreaking method for detecting DNA of invasive snakes in Florida

November 21, 2024

Scientists at the University of Florida have developed a pioneering tool to bolster Florida’s defenses against invasive species: a DNA-based environmental monitoring test that can pinpoint where they’ve been, aiding eradication efforts. Once ... READ MORE

Category: Blog Community, Invasive Species, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Boa Constrictors, Burmese Pythons, Climate Change, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, CROC Docs, Ecologu And Evolution, EDNA, Everglades, Florida’s Ecosystems, Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Invasive Snakes, Invasives In Florida, News, Northern African Pythons, Rainbow Boas, Sergio Balaguera-Reina, Tetraplex Digital PCR Assay, UF/IFAS, University Of Florida, Wildlife Ecology And Conservation

From feared predator to ultimate eco-hero of Everglades Restoration: UF/IFAS experts explain role of the American alligator today

May 28, 2024

The American alligator, the official state reptile of Florida, which conjures both fear and admiration, is also being celebrated for its critical role in the ecosystem. These majestic creatures, often misunderstood as aggressive man-eaters, ... READ MORE

Category: Blog Community, Conservation, NATURAL RESOURCES, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Alligator, CROC Docs, Ecological Indicators, Everglades National Park, Everglades Restoration, Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission, Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, Frank Mazzotti, National Alligator Day, Passive Integrated Transponder, Wildlife Ecology And Conservation

What’s next for UF/IFAS scientists on the Burmese python telemetry scout project?

April 2, 2024

Highlights: Burmese python breeding season is in full swing in the Florida Everglades. For a team of scientists at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), this ... READ MORE

Category: Blog Community, Conservation, Invasive Species, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Biology, Brandon Welty, Breeding, Burmese Python, Clutch, CROC Docs, Department Of Wildlife Ecology And Conservation, Florida Everglades, Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission, Invasion Science, Invasion Science Research Institute, Invasive Species, Melissa Miller, Python Telemetry Scout Project, Radio Telemetry, South Florida, South Florida Water Management District, U.S. Geological Survey, UF IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, UF/IFAS, University Of Florida Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, USGS Fort Collins Science Center, Wildlife Biologist
image - a tegu trap

UF/IFAS research: Can artificial intelligence outsmart invasive species?

February 29, 2024

  Argentine black and white tegus are large non-native invasive lizards posing a threat to the biodiversity and natural balance of Florida’s ecosystems. Tegus have a diverse diet including fruits, vegetables, insects, ... READ MORE

Category: AGRICULTURE, Conservation, Invasive Species, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: #AI, @TheCrocDocs, AI Trap, Argentine Black And White Tegu, Artificial Intelligence, CROC Docs, FLREC, Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, Institute Of Food And Agricultural Sciences, Invasion Science, Invasion Science Research Institute, Invasive Species, Invasive Species Research, Jenna Cole, Melissa Miller, News, Research, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Wildlife Ecology And Conservation, University Of Florida, World Vision Systems

Removing invasive caimans from Florida Everglades, UF/IFAS study reveals successful strategies

August 7, 2023

Highlights The introduction of spectacled caimans into Florida, reported as early as the 1950s, has impacted the biodiversity of native wildlife in some of the most sensitive areas of the Florida Everglades. A University of Florida study, ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Invasive Species, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands, C-111 Project, Caiman, Caiman Removal Project, CERP, Common Caiman, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, CROC Docs, Florida Everglades, Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Frank Mazzotti, FWC, FWS, Invasive Species, News, Sidney Godfrey, South Florida, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Spectacled Caiman, U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers, U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, UF IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, UF/IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research Education Center, Wildlife
image - alligator at sunset

En el Día Nacional del Caimán Americano, los expertos de UF/IFAS nos explican lo interesantes que son estos icónicos reptiles

May 24, 2023

Creado por Lourdes Mederos, gerente de relaciones públicas del distrito sureste de UF/IFAS. Los caimanes americanos son uno de los depredadores beneficiosos más grandes y que han resistido la prueba del tiempo en el equilibrio de los ecosistemas. Sin ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, NATURAL RESOURCES, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Aligators, Caimanes Americanos, Conservacion, CROC Docs, Depredadores, Ecologia, Espanol, Everglades, FLREC, Frank Mazotti, Humedales, Reptil, Sergio Balaguera-Reina, Spanish, UF/IFAS, Venetia Briggs-Gonzalez, Vida Silvestre

Cheers to moms, including the wild ones

Avatar photo
May 10, 2023

No two moms’ parenting methods are alike, and the same can be said about motherhood in the animal kingdom. To share some fun facts about animal moms frequently spotted in Florida, we went to University of Florida experts. Burrowing owls ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Alligators, Babies, Bats, Bluebirds, Burrowing Owls, Corey Callaghan, CROC Docs, Eastern Bluebird, Ecology, Florida Bats, Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, Frank Mazzotti, Kathryn Sieving, Katie Sieving, Ken Gioeli, Maia McGuire, Manatees, Mother's Day, News, Songbirds, Termites, Thomas Chouvenc, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research Education Center, Wildlife Babies, Wildlife Ecology And Conservation, Wildlife Young
The growing number of large pythons in Florida’s Everglades National Park is increasing conflict between the powerful snakes and alligators, according to Frank Mazzotti, a wildlife expert with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. In this photo, released yesterday by park officials, the alligator appears to have the upper hand in the struggle, but the snake escaped. Mazzotti, who is helping remove pythons from park, said a python was killed last year when it attempted to swallow a medium-sized alligator that was too big for the snake.

UF/IFAS scientists lure Burmese pythons using radio telemetry during mating/breeding season

February 20, 2023

The University of Florida has partnered with several federal and state agencies on a large-scale python removal project to protect the Everglades. The project combines Burmese python ecology with removal efforts to maximize opportunities ... READ MORE

Category: Blog Community, Conservation, Invasive Species, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: Burmese Python, Christina Romagosa, CROC Docs, Department Of Wildlife Ecology And Conservation, EddMaps, Everglades, Everglades National Park, Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Fort Collins Science Center, Frank Mazzotti, FWC’s Python Action Team Removing Invasive Constrictors, Invasive Species, Melissa Miller, National Invasive Species Awareness Week, News, Snakes, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), UF IFAS Fort Lauderdale Research And Education Center, UF IFAS News, UF News, UF/IFAS, United States Geological Survey (USGS)

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