Extension Monroe County

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Category: Agriculture

Bird flu concerns in the Florida Keys?

February 12, 2025

We hear a lot about Avian Influenza, or H5N1, and the price of eggs in the news recently. That got me thinking, should we be worried about bird flu here in the Keys? As it turns out, we should.  Although Florida Fish and Wildlife has not ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, , Home Landscapes, Livestock, NATURAL RESOURCES, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS Extension, Wildlife
Tags: Atlantic Flyway, Avian Influenza, Backyard Poultry, Biosecurity, Bird Feeders, Bird Flu, Blue Discoloration, Bottle-nose Dolphin, Cows, Crows, Dead Bird Reporting, Diarrhea, Domestic Cats, Domestic Poultry Protection, Eagles, Falcons, FDACS, Feces, Florida Department Of Agriculture And Consumer Services, Florida Fish And Wildlife, Florida Fish And Wildlife Commission, Florida Keys, Game Birds, Great Egret, H5N1, Hawks, Lack Of Energy, Migration, Mucus, National Wildlife Disease Program, Neurological Signs, Owls, Poultry, Reduced Egg Production, Respiratory Distress, Saliva, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Snowy Egret, Sudden Death, Swollen Head, Virus Spread, Virus Transmission, Vultures, Wild Birds, Wildlife Health
Elevated tractor applying fertilizer to a corn field.

New Fertilizer Ordinance for Monroe County

August 11, 2021

Monroe County Board of County Commissioners recently passed a fertilizer ordinance with the intent of limiting nutrient applications to turf and landscape plants. Nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen, have the potential to contribute to ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, NATURAL RESOURCES, Work & Life
Tags: Fertilizer, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Florida Keys, Sustainability, Sustainable Landscaping
Termites photographed in Nan Yao Su's lab.

A Changing Landscape in Subterranean Termite Control

March 4, 2021

This is a summary of a recent presentation by Dr. Thomas Chouvenc on the importance of termite colony biology on control methods Termites evolved from cockroaches 150 million years ago. There are now over 3,000 termite species worldwide, ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, , Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Pests & Disease
Tags: Insects, Invasive Species, IPM Florida, Subterranean Termites, Termite Control, Termites
Roadside market produce.

Everglades Tomato-A Summer Tomato for the Keys

April 20, 2020

Also known locally as wild tomato or currant tomato, the Everglades tomato is a wonder for gardeners in the Florida Keys. The tomato blooms and fruits all year long, is tolerant of our alkaline soil, brackish water, salt winds, and is resistant ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, , Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, NATURAL RESOURCES
Tags: Edible Landscape, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Florida Keys, Gardening, Vegetable Gardening

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