A Changing Landscape in Subterranean Termite Control

This is a summary of a recent presentation by Dr. Thomas Chouvenc on the importance of termite colony biology on control methods

termite soldier
Asian subterranean termite soldier (Coptotermes gestroi). Credits: T. Chouvenc, UF/IFAS

Termites evolved from cockroaches 150 million years ago. There are now over 3,000 termite species worldwide, yet only 3 percent of the overall diversity are pests. They have extremely important roles in subtropical and tropical ecosystems, decomposing wood and other forest litter, and returning those essential nutrients and carbon stored within the dead wood back into the cycle for soil enrichment. That alone is a worthy designation. However, for all the amazing benefits termites provide in the natural environment, there is a zero-tolerance policy once they enter our homes. A mature Formosan subterranean termite colony can consume about 300 pounds of wood per year.

Current Situation

In Florida, we have the highest diversity of termites in the United States. There are 21 different species of termites in Florida, and two of the most damaging termite pests occur in south Florida, Formosan subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus, and Asian subterranean termites, Coptotermes gestroi. Within six months of an infestation, structural damage of a home can occur because of the sheer size of the colony. Subterranean termites have large underground colonies, often in the millions, with a central nest where the king and queen reproduce and brood are maintained by young termites. Termite workers go out and forage for new food sources, often very far, up to 300 feet, from the central nest, through an underground tunnel system. They need to maintain a moist environment and cannot survive without water. Subterranean termites attack wood that contacts the soil and build mud tubes or tunnels, to maintain moisture, and reach wood in structures and trees away from the soil surface. So, if a subterranean infestation is discovered in a home, it is only a small portion of the entire colony, which is why we do not fumigate for such subterranean species. Structural fumigation is used against drywood termites, which colonies often infest a single piece of wood.

subterranean termite mud-tubes
Subterranean termite mud-tubes on a tree. Credits: T. Chouvenc, UF/IFAS

What has recently been discovered, is these invasive subterranean termites are also killing living, healthy trees in the urban south Florida environment. In most cases, the termites feed on the wood or old xylum tissue deep within the tree, not on the live vascular tissue, so the tree appears to be healthy until it collapses on its own weight or when a tropical storm or hurricane passes. One of the ways to detect the early presence of invasive subterranean termites is to regularly inspect trees surrounding structure and look for termite activity, often noticeable by the presence of mud tubs on the bark or at pruning wounds. Knowing if these species are established in your area is also an important, as it tells if you are in an area at risk of infestation. The current distribution map of termite pest species is accessible at https://flrec.ifas.ufl.edu/termites-in-florida/termite-distribution/.

Termite Biology

Termites are eusocial insects, like ants and bees, that live in massive colonies with cooperative care of the young, overlapping generations, and a reproductive division of labor, meaning only a few members of the colony reproduce (king and queen). However, they differ from ants and bees, in that they are hemimetabolous, which means the immature insects looks like miniature versions of the adults and do not have go through metamorphosis. So, termite workers, which are sterile, will continue to molt throughout out their life until they die. Interestingly, they do not molt at the foraging sites due to lack of care and protection in these environments and return to the central nest to be cared for by nurse termites (young workers) during the molting process. This has become a very important aspect in understanding their biology and adapting control practices based on new technologies.


Traditional subterranean termite control involves the use of liquid termiticides and still represents a significant portion of all subterranean termite treatments in the United States. The goal of these treatments is exclusion from the home through a chemical, insecticidal barrier around the structure, killing organisms that encounter the barrier before they enter the home. These products are mostly non-repellent, meaning they are undetected by the termites, and are broad-spectrum insecticides, so they are not only going to kill termites on contact, they will kill any insects that come into contact with the treatment area. Additionally, most liquid termiticides are non-persistent and break down in the environment within a few years. In recent years, more and more pest control operators have been reporting failures with liquid termiticide treatments of Asian subterranean termites according to Dr. Thomas Chouvenc, as cumulative evidence suggests that such subterranean termites may eventually find a way to bypass the treatment through strong foraging pressures.

Newer technology involves the use of Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor (CSI) Baits placed around the structure or home. The goal with CSI baits is colony elimination. Chitin Synthesis Inhibitors work by preventing the formation of chitin which is needed to form an insect’s exoskeleton. So, the insects grow normally until it is time to molt, and the inhibitors prevent the new exoskeleton from forming properly and the insect dies, usually around 40 days after ingestion. These insecticides are targeted for consumption by termites only and a minute amount of pesticide is used in comparison to liquid termiticides. So, termite workers forage and feed on treated wood baits, return to the main nest, and share the food (carrying the active ingredient) with the brood and the rest of the colony through trophallaxis (a food exchange process common in social insects). Colony elimination is usually achieved within 90 days after the initial feeding on the bait.

A study by Dr. Nan Yao Su in 2005 looked at distance as a parameter for understanding termite control. In a laboratory experiment with about 10,000 foraging termites and 150 feet of tubing used as the foraging system, Dr. Su found termites within 10 to 15 feet of a commonly used liquid termiticide treatment died within one week. However, beyond that, the colony was not affected, and the remaining termites closed the tunnel system to separate themselves from the area with termite mortality. So, what is happening, according to Dr. Su, is secondary repellency in the treated area due to rapid death by those exposed to the liquid termiticide. Later, Dr. Chouvenc replicated the study with whole termite colonies, containing reproductive adults, brood and different aged individuals and effectively achieved colony elimination within three months with small amount of CSI bait formulation. His study confirmed what Dr. Su found, which was secondary repellency occurs with liquid termiticide treatments because the death of exposed termites occurs so rapidly, living termites can seal off the area with termite mortality and can use other means to access structures.

Asian subterranean termite alate (Coptotermes gestroi). Credit: T. Chouvenc UF/IFAS

Dr. Thomas Chouvenc believes these recent discoveries and the more we continue to learn about termite biology, will continue to change the way we control these destructive pests moving forward. Asian subterranean termites start swarming in early March in south Florida. This is a good time to go around and inspect trees for mud tubes and other signs of termite activity to help detect termite infestation.

Thank you to Dr. Thomas Chouvenc for his review of this article.


For more information on the studies mentioned in this article:
Subterranean Termites Feeding on CSI Baits for a Short Duration Still Results in Colony Elimination

Response of the Formosan Subterranean Termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) to Baits or Nonrepellent Termiticides in Extended Foraging Arenas






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Posted: March 4, 2021

Category: Agriculture, , Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Pests & Disease
Tags: Insects, Invasive Species, IPM Florida, Subterranean Termites, Termite Control, Termites


September 14, 2021

Thank you for sharing your blog, amazing detailed information, it helps us a lot. Thank you!

Donna Castro
September 9, 2021

Great information; I don't think that many folks think about this and it's important. Thank you!

Dale Trimble
August 24, 2021

I don't know as we have the same problem. HELP!!

Michelle Leonard-Mularz

August 23, 2021

Hi Krista. I would recommend working with your county Extension Agent to determine the cause of decline in your plants. There are a variety of things that can cause witches broom, including herbicides. Ground Clear is not the only product that could cause these symptoms. I also sent you an email.

Krista Hager
August 22, 2021

I have been searching all over for an explanation of why the landscaping plants that surround the entire perimeter of my property is being effected by witches broom in one form or another. I have been to the county extension and they said I, or a neighbor was using too much ground clear. Not the case from what we can see. We are not using anything on the yard because of our dogs. I've sprayed weedkiller in the cracks of the road so the city wouldn't do it in the heat of the day. Anything applied to yard has been sparingly and sparse. Mostly because of the animals. 2 years ago plants started to show up with the witches broom. Random plants, all different varieties including trees, some right next to healthy. Now it's still happening, but only to us. No one in neighborhood is having this happen. Have you ever heard of this? Please offer a suggestion.

Good news
August 19, 2021

Really wonderful information can be found on web blog.

Donna Castro
August 12, 2021

Great article and very useful information.

Sajid Nadiawala
July 24, 2021

Amazing write-up.

June 27, 2021

Thanks for re-writing the arrival above. That was very helpful.

Carol Sigler
June 22, 2021

A fun and informative article. Thank you

Michelle Leonard-Mularz

June 21, 2021

Blue land crabs can be harvested November through the end of June. They can only be harvested by hand or with a landing or dip net. There are no chemicals registered for control of blue land crabs and it is illegal to use traps, bleach or any other chemical solutions. https://myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/recreational/blue-land-crabs/. The only way to try to keep them from burrowing in your yard is to use some type of barrier (fence) to keep them out.

Lynda Grass
June 16, 2021

4 times I have had retina issues. Still not sure but I think it may have been caused from milkweed. one or both eyes were in pain and it looked as though I was looking through a frosted glass or heavy fog. Very scary. Dr. prescribed a steroid. It had improved results within 2 days. It was a mystery to the Dr. but as I think about it, it may have been the milkweed. Now I either wear gloves and always wash after touching the milkweed.

June 5, 2021

I live on a canal and my lawn is full of land crab holes. I am concerned that someone is going to be injured because some holes are quite large and not always easy to see. Hoe can I eradicate them humanely?

May 19, 2021

Thanks for sharing with us this digital hurricane kit. filehippo

Mrs. Rosemary Anderson
May 15, 2021

I purchased seeds for Everglades cherry tomatoes 2 years ago. They have reseeded. I just water them. They are prolific and dependable. Mrs. Anderson Bradenton, Flo

Michelle Leonard-Mularz

May 12, 2021

Witches broom is caused by a variety of different causes from mites to diseases, but all look very similar. The abnormal growth caused by these herbicides looks like witches broom, yet it is more widespread throughout the entire plant. You would need to determine what is causing the abnormal growth in your hedge plants. You can contact our Master Gardeners and/or bring in a sample to our office for identification.

May 12, 2021

How to determine if you have witches broom in hedges

Jake Jacoby
May 7, 2021

We have had them for YEARS, this is the first article I have ever seen written about them. We are on the West Coast. they are GREAT!

April 8, 2021

Hey Alicia. It was a very good article. Thanks for writing. from kimia piarom

March 24, 2021

Great explanation about holiday planning. Thank you for sharing an amazing article.

Ricardo Farah
March 17, 2021

It is so important to hire a professional tree service that can actually ensure that properties have hurricane preparedness. Consulting an arborist to figure out what to do in order to be prepared for hurricanes is a great step to make sure there are not any additional damages caused by trees or other debris that could have been trimmed or removed from the property.

Sue Alspach
March 12, 2021

Hi Michelle, I attended Dr. Chouvenc's presentation and have been kicking myself for not taking better notes. Now I have your excellent summary. Thank you!

Donna Torrey
March 8, 2021

Great job; well conveyed information that is very important, especially for those in the Tree Industry to recognize and treat. Thank you.

Patricia Nolan
December 27, 2020

Great article, Michelle! My soil is hydrophobic so I am composting directly into my gardens. When the hedge is clipped I have the men place the greens in my large compost bin.I only discard branches. I have been composting since I married in 1967!!! I'm in favor of recycling all and everything. Again, thank you! Pat Nolan

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Donna Torrey

October 28, 2020

Nice article! I just made some holy basil and roselle, and it's delicious! I found Roselle for sale at Bravo for $2.00 for a big bag of it in the produce section. It mixes nicely with other herbs. Best Wishes!

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

October 5, 2020

They are present year-round in south Florida and the Keys. The eggs can be found in clusters on the underside of the leaves. This fact sheet provides more information. https://trec.ifas.ufl.edu/mannion/pdfs/OleanderCaterpillar.pdf

Mark R. Olson
September 22, 2020

when do you know if the eggs are being laid...what time of year? is there some indicator..?

Jeanne Leiva
September 21, 2020

Thank you for this very informative and helpful article. I agree that getting started early in the morning can help set the tone for a good, productive day. In the office, I was always most productive during the early morning hours while the atmosphere was still quiet. This also allowed me to complete any unfinished work from the previous day, as well as adjust my existing agenda for the day ahead if needed. Taking short breaks and ending the day while working from home has been challenging for me at times, even though I have worked from home before. This article is a great refresher for me. Thank you!

Cath Jennings
July 18, 2020

This article was most helpful- we are currently selling a beautiful mountain retreat and purchasing a home in Islamorada, Florida-I will miss my bird life here and am hoping to attract and enjoy the native species of the keys

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

July 8, 2020

Hi Susie, milkweed is not a host for oleander caterpillars. However, your mandevilla is a host, along with desert rose and rubber vine.

June 7, 2020

I found an oleander caterpillar on my milkweed. I have no oleanders. What else can they feed on?I have a mandevilla and pentas nearby...

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

April 21, 2020

This is a great publication about seed sources for Florida homegrown vegetables https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep486. Keep in mind, seeds have been in high demand and some companies are no longer taking new orders, keep trying. Additionally, Key West Botanical Garden grows them and when they are open to the public again, should have plants available.

Shelly Krueger
April 21, 2020

Where can we buy Everglades tomato plants?

Alicia Betancourt, Community and Family Development Extension Agent and County Extension Director for UF/IFAS Extension Monroe County
Alicia Betancourt

April 19, 2020

I agree but have a love/hate relationship with my VPN it makes it very slow to get anything done! Sure I can get to my files but is slows me to 25% efficiency! I have been using our approved one drive to keep my working files in and Office 365. Let me know what works for you and maybe I can include it in the article. Thanks

April 19, 2020

What about using VPN? My manager insisted on me getting Atlas VPN once I started working from home and apparently there have been news articles that there will be more hackers invading private home networks to steal all kinds of company data

April 17, 2020

Great info! Thank you!!

April 15, 2020

Thanks Sam!

Samantha Kennedy
April 15, 2020

Thank you ladies for a great article. These tips are so helpful. Working from home is a challenge and can make it hard to stay focused. I don't know about the dress nicely suggestion (I mean, actually changing out of my peejays should be enough), but scheduling time to check email instead of keeping it open is something I started at the office and carried over at home. It definitely helps limit some of the distractions the little envelope provides when it pops up.

Stump grinding Hamilton
March 28, 2020

What an interesting post, I just read it from start to end your blog post, An informative blog. These plants grow from creeping, underground rhizomes and can also reproduce by seed. Thanks for sharing such a great post ever.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

February 6, 2020

Hi David, thank you for your comment. The link has been updated.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

February 6, 2020

If you live in Monroe County, you can contact our office for plant identification. Our contact information is listed on the homepage of our website, or go to the environmental horticulture page to reach the agent directly. For quickest results, you can email pictures of the plants you need identified. If you live outside of Monroe County, you can contact your local Extension office for help with plant identification.

February 4, 2020

I need to have invasive plants identified

David Hubbert
January 2, 2020

The link to the Whitefly article on this page is no longer valid. Since we are now seeing activity at the Golf Club in Key West we would appreciate an update to that link as people are again asking for a way to control them. Please contact me and I will put it on our website.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

August 23, 2019

Hi Judy, I wish you had contacted the Extension Service. Those are not Oleander Caterpillars you killed, they are Gulf Fritillary butterfly caterpillars. Passion vines are actually a larval food source for three different species of butterflies, including our State butterfly, the Zebra Longwing. This fact sheet has more information. http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/bfly/gulf_fritillary.htm

August 23, 2019

I’m growing Passion Flowers. They’re so beautiful and attract and . I even have beautiful Monarch Butterflies now! Passion flower is a climbing vine and spreads everywhere. But that’s ok with me. Last year, my foliage on the vines started disappearing! I noticed this ugly worm, or orange caterpillar with black spikes all over. He was devouring the leaves so fast I couldn’t believe it! An entire vine was eaten overnight I didn’t know what they were, and I didn’t kill them because I thought they might be Monarch larvae. It’s funny...they didn’t eat any didn’t eat any other plants...just the Passion Flower. It looked awful with only vines with no leaves. So I went out there yesterday with my scissors and searched for the little suckers. I found about 50 or more and I just cut off their heads with scissors. What a hassle! And I felt so guilty for doing that...I really did. From now on, I’ll make up the mixture of stuff you guys are using to get rid of these little destroyers. Thanks!

Rhonda Fortner
July 13, 2019

Do they bite and are they anything to worry anout if they do ?

Door Geeks
July 2, 2019

I guess I can agree with letting them be, but maybe it depends on the type of scorpion. This article about Arizona scorpions advocates getting rid of them.

Carlee Weston
December 13, 2018

My Fiddlewood is suffering sever damage from these pests. At first I thought it was the cold snap we were experiencing. I live in eastern Martin County.

November 14, 2018

This was a best understandable address about the hazards of trees but you make sure gutters are cleaned out so water can flow freely and not contribute to roof damage or leaks.Landscape Hurricane Preparedness should be included in your hurricane plan. Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare your landscape. It can be dangerous and debris may not get picked up in time and become another hazard. Remember, just because a tree is damaged in a storm, doesn’t mean removal is the only option. Contact a consulting arborist to do a risk assessment and determine if your tree can be saved. For more information on assessing damage and restoring trees must concern this kind of matter with the tree care company services . Thanks.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

November 13, 2018

Hi Bruce, Thank you for your suggestion. There have been reports of that product killing the tree cambium, resulting in the death of the tree, when used for Gypsy Moth. Which is why it wasn't mentioned in the article.

Bruce Heysse
November 11, 2018

You may wish to consider Tanglefoot Tree Insect Barrier from Amazon or wherever found. Inexpensive, easy to apply, environmentally safe and long lasting.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

September 12, 2018

Hi Robert, It does not sound like the same caterpillar. You can contact the Extension Service in your County for accurate identification. A photograph or physical sample might be required. Palm Beach County Extension Service (561) 233-1700.

Robert O'Brien
September 12, 2018

I live in SE Florida, Delray Beach. My Royal P has some small caterpillars hanging down from the canopy on long threads every morning. Not a lot, but a few. They are 1/4" by 1/16" and light yellow/green in color. Do you know what they are? I will start watching to see if I have any of those described here climbing the trunk in the early evening.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

August 22, 2018

Hi Pat, Thank you for your comment. We are big proponents of integrated pest management (IPM), and one of the principles of IPM is starting with more environmentally friendly options when the decision is made to control a pest. However, in this scenario, this is the best and quickest way to control this pest. Diatomaceous earth is made from the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms and with its abrasive sharp edges, causes insects to dry out and die by absorbing the oils and fats from the cuticle of the insect's exoskeleton. Unfortunately, it will also absorb water and moisture from the air, rendering it ineffective from a pest management perspective in the landscape with our high humidity. Additionally, Bacillus thurengiensis (Bt) is a stomach toxin that would need to be ingested by the caterpillar to be effective. Another option you could try is Spinosad, which is a natural substance made by a soil bacterium, you may have to reapply a several times for complete control. Also, there has been some negative consequences with the use of the horticultural glue in trying to control gypsy moth in a similar way. The sticky substance ended up killing the tree cambium, resulting in tree death. Please keep me posted on the method of control you use and its effectiveness.

August 21, 2018

After seeing an article in the paper about the Royal Poinciana caterpillar infestation, I inspected my tree and had an army of them crawling up them about 8:00 PM. I purchased SEVIN brand dust and copiously applied it to the trunk in the late afternoon. No more caterpillars.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

August 21, 2018

Knocking the caterpillars off into a soap and water solution is very effective. You can also use a product with the active ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) which is a microbial insecticide and only harmful to caterpillars.

August 16, 2018

A lot of links are quoting the same information. Here is a link to a more helpful solution https://brisbanetrees.com.au/poincianas-and-caterpillars/

August 11, 2018

I tried straight vinegar and hadnt worked right away so I remembered I had some Trader Joe's Body Wash with Tree Tea Oil and Peppermint in it so I took that outside to the plant and within less than a minute after I poured some on the caterpillars, they fell off. Was actually shocked, but glad.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

July 24, 2018

Good morning, If you are located in Miami-Dade, you can contact their Extension Service for help with any landscape issues. Their phone number is (305) 248-3311. Otherwise, if you are in Monroe County you could send me an email with pictures to mleonard@ufl.edu. Thank you for contacting us.

July 4, 2018

Good Morning Hoping you can assist. I planted a number of gumbo limbo trees in Nov ‘17 in Miami. They were doing really until the leaves on two of them recently started to curl up into themselves in hard, tightly wound shapes. Obviously something attacking them. Wish I could post a picture.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

June 4, 2018

Hi Mr. Oswald, thank you for your comment. The post has been corrected.

John Oswald
May 31, 2018

Hi kgabel, You may wish to consider updating your statements above. Some, but not all, green lacewings (Chrysopidae) are "trash carriers", but no brown lacewings (Hemerobiidae) have ever been shown definitively to carry trash. Earlier reports in the literature to this effect all appear to be misidentifications of green lacewing larvae. Your left photo above is a chrysopid; the right photo is a hemerobiid. Cheers, John Oswald Prof. Entomology, Texas A&M University P.S. I'm a Neuroptera systematist...

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

May 21, 2018

You can go to the University of Florida's EDIS (electronic data information source) website and there are many publications about palm trees. You can also contact our office with any specific questions you may have. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topic_palms Thank you for your comment.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

May 21, 2018

Hi Roberto, Azaleas don't really grow down here. They are hardy to about zone 9b, we are zone 11. As for Royal Poinciana, I don't have personal experience, but I don't think its too much of an issue considering the size of the tree. Thank you for your comment.

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Michelle Leonard-Mularz

May 21, 2018

Hi Paul, Thank you for the question. I am the new horticulture agent since Kim Gabel retired. Imidacloprid, which is a neonicotinoid, is not effective against lepidopterans (caterpillars). You could try Spinosad or a microbial insecticide with the active ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis, the strain specific to caterpillars. These will need to be sprayed early, at the first sight of an infestation. Bt is only effective against caterpillars and will not harm beneficial insects. Always follow label directions when using any pesticides. Please contact our office if you have any additional questions.

Paul Douglass
May 5, 2018

Will injecting Mahogany Trees with Imidacloprid prevent the the annual infestation of webworms? If it is applied as an injection, is it harmful to bees and/or are there other environmental issues? I know webworm presence on the Mahogany trees will pass with little harm to the trees, but they do create a mess and my neighbor gets quite upset.

4 Corner Cabling
February 12, 2018

I love reading an article that can make men and women think. Also, thank you for allowing for me to comment!

February 4, 2018

University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension outreach is a partnership between state, federal, and county governments to provide scientific knowledge and expertise to the public.

Roberto Madeira
January 22, 2018

I have a business in the Florida Keys and would love to plant a poinciana tree and azaleas in my backyard. Does iguanas like those trees? If yes! what do you suggest for me to do?

December 5, 2017

This post is priceless. Where cɑn I find out morе?

Kris Reynolds
October 16, 2017

I heard in the Cayman Islands according to the Sun Sentinel that they captured over 166,000 green iguanas in 2014 and the population grew to over 400,000 in 2 years. It was crazy explosive growth. We have to do a better job managing the green iguana population. - Kris Reynolds - Nuisance Wildlife Rangers

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September 23, 2017

Good blog, I’m going to spend more time learning about this subject

Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)
May 11, 2017

Excellent article. I will be experiencing many of these issues as well..

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August 4, 2014

The other months of the year may work, but again the recommended months are June-August. Variable weather conditions due to temperature and rain fall may make the soil hot enough or not. Regarding mint -

Lizzy Poole
July 31, 2014

Re soil solarization - great idea. If we stay during summer I'll use it. In fact, I don't know why it wouldn't work Oct.-NOv., and March - May. Direct sun can get pretty hot then. If we can grow mint in Florida Keys, I'm doing so because here in Maine my mint bed all went to flowers and many bees appeared out of nowhere to work the site.

Earl Finnegan
October 2, 2013

I'm having to deal with an infestation of birch leafminer. It's really awful seeing my trees cut up like that.

August 31, 2013

I think this caterpillar fell on my toe and although it didn't hurt days later I have this rash my toe

dawn soleri
August 17, 2013

The bugs turn into ugly moth-like creatures. Just spray thyme or tea tree essential oil diluted in some water. I srayed this morning, and as the sun comes out, the caterpillars are dropping off the plant and dying.

May 1, 2013

Is the 2013 hurricane season supposed to be worse than normal? I've heard that climate experts are predicting more hurricanes in the Gulf this year, but I don't know how credible the sources are. If it's true, we better begin preparations asap!

February 7, 2013

Interesting how the pH level can vary so much, depending on location. I doubt that most people realize how many factors affect their gardening and landscaping!

February 3, 2013

Are more people (or landscapers) using organic fertilizers these days, or still chemical based? Specifically in the FL Keys?

islamorada fishing charters
August 9, 2012

As the name suggests, this is a bug with transparent wings. The rest of the body is dark, giving the bug a contrasting black and white appearance.

fishing florida keys
July 27, 2012

thanks a lot for the photos.

June 21, 2012

I attend college in South Florida. My roomie was surprised to find Uncle Sam and his brothers on her Yellow Mandevillas. So we transported them to our school property's plant. We also kept Uncle Sammy. I am appalled that y'all want to kill Uncle Sam and his brothers by freezing them to death. I think we should just transport them to someone else's plants. That way they can still live a hearty life. Shalom.

May 29, 2012

I have two caterpillars - yellow with silver dots feeding on two of my Desert Rose plants. I've raised butterflies, but never saw these caterpillars before. I am collecting Desert Rose plants - had no idea they would be eaten. Can I move these to another plant. It's midnight, just went out and picked 3 off my roses with leaves. What now?

Muhammad Zahid Iqbal
May 10, 2012

As the name suggests, this is a bug with transparent wings. The rest of the body is dark, giving the bug a contrasting black and white appearance. what is career transition

May 2, 2012

Who is the person who said that caterpillars are never "beneficial"? They ALL turn into moths or butterflies which are beneficial -- so lets kill all the caterpillars and therefore there will be no more moths and butterflies on the earth! Geezz...

December 18, 2011

About 50 of those ate my desert rose over night and started eating a corn palm too. i tried killing them with a natural pesticide I had then got nervous because they were so many so I got out he big guns and downed them. They literally ate the leaves and flowers off the whole plant over night. scared me so bad i thought they would eat the whole yard by morning

December 1, 2011

Caterpillars are never considered "beneficial", as all caterpillars feed on leaves and cause foliar damage. They are considered pests if the damage is intensive and causes harm to the plant or if the damage is unsightly. I personally don't care as long as my plants don't die.

November 27, 2011

I found the caterpillars on my Desert Rose plant and sprayed them with a mixture of minced garlic and red pepper mixed with water. They dropped right off. I was concerned that I had killed a beneficial caterpillar.

August 20, 2011

thanks a lot for the photos. they are really beautiful. there are путевки в Черногорию cool photos too. Best wishes. keep it on)

September 10, 2010

Saw a green or blue crab, bigger than two adult hands wide, in Miramar, Fl. Do they hangout in canals and lakes too. Too dark for pictures. I thought it was a beach crab, had never heard of land crabs.

June 12, 2010

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remove sooty mold
December 22, 2009

The product in the link will easily control the insects and release the sooty mold that they cause. It is also natural which is a must to keep florida beautiful. It was also developed in florida.

October 20, 2009

In Key West can you join forces with the mosquito control and add something to their spray which will help all of Key West save our hibiscus and other infected plants?

October 8, 2009

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September 10, 2009

Regarding the Hibiscus Mealybug...I just recently moved back to SW Fl from out of state and purchased an older home with mature landscaping. There are several hibiscus and one was under severe attack from mealy bugs. I'm an organic gardener, so I wasnt interested in pesticides. I checked out the horticultural oils, but decided to try EMs (effective microorganisms). I didnt know if it would work, but I'm happy to report that one month later, I have lots of new growth and beautiful blooms. The mealybugs and the resulting damage (sooty, stumped branches,etc) are gone. I was pleasantly surprised, and continue to be amazed with EMs. I have no affiliation with the non profit company that makes EMs--EM America, but stumbled upon the product a couple years ago. It hasnt let me down yet. give it a try.

March 15, 2009

This blog has loads of useless info, thanks! Hope you will keep it up!

Brevard Missy
January 7, 2009

Nice web site!

December 9, 2008

I've heard the BEST way to get rid of them is to get a dog.

August 27, 2008

thank you, i think this is exactly what's on my tree - i was cleaning it off the other day wondering if i should try a fungicide or something. i'll look into the bugs!

August 18, 2008

There used to be a large land crab population at the corner of VonPhister and Whalton. Unfortunately, the city has installed injection wells at the same corner and we no longer have crabs there. Is the city/public works subject to the rules listed in this blog?

Stephen Tvedten
July 19, 2008

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