Did you make your reservations? Did you pack your gadgets, batteries and extra clothing just in case? Good! Now remember: do not pack a PEST on your way back!!! An invasive pest is an organism that is introduced into an area and becomes a pest in the new environment. Does not occur naturally in a specific area and therefore may not have any natural enemies. They cause economic (including agricultural) , environmental or human health harm.
Invasive pests spread by:
- Commercial shipments of plants, food and other materials
- By “hitch-hiking” on vehicles, fruits, plants, seeds or animals when travelers enter the U.S. or any state
- When travelers bring prohibited fruits, plants, seeds or animals back from other states or countries.
Watch this video:
Top Invasive Pest Threats in the U.S.
- The Asian citrus psyllid;
- The Citrus greening or Huanglongbing;
- The European grapevine moth;
- The Mexican fruit fly;
- The giant African snail;
- The emerald ash borer;
- The Asian longhorned beetle and more.
Source: http://www.hungrypests.com
For more information go to: Don’t pack a pest