Extension Marion County

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Horse Breeding

Getting Ready for Breeding

January 26, 2018

Even though horses are faster, stronger, and more competitive (as a whole) than at any other time in history, equine reproductive efficiency is the lowest of all domestic animals. For owners and managers whose primary concern is “settling” ... READ MORE

Category: AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, Livestock
Tags: Anestrus, Autumnal Transition, Breeders, Breeding Season, Broodmare, Equine, Foals, Gestation, Heat, Horse, Mare, Ovulation, Reproduction, Shuffitt, Vernal Transition

Pocket Gophers

January 5, 2018

“What is causing these large mounds of dirt in my pasture and how do I get rid of them? One of my yearlings stepped in one of the holes and twisted her ankle. I’ve tried dragging the pasture, but the mounds seem to come back overnight and ... READ MORE

Category: AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, Home Landscapes, Livestock, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease
Tags: Gardens, Gopher, Lawns, Mounds, Pasture, Pocket, Rodent, Salamander, Sandy-mounder, Shuffitt, Tunnel, Tunnel System
food plots

An Intro to Wildlife Food Plots

January 5, 2018

Florida’s ranches are home to more than just the intended livestock, a lot of endangered species seek shelter and food amongst these lands. A lot of these animals act as keystone species and their protection is vital to the overall eco system ... READ MORE

Category: AGRICULTURE, Crops, Farm Management, Livestock, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Bainum, Conservation, Cool Season, Crops, Deer Plots, Food, Food Plots, Food Production, Game, Grains, Grasses, Legumes, Plots, Ranch, Vegetation, Wildlife

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