Florida Bull Test Sale 1-19-13


Jenkins Bold Y178 will lead off the Sale.  He is a SimAngus that gained 4.71 pounds per day and weighed 1540 pounds at the end of the Florida Bull Test in December.

2013 Florida Bull Test Sale

January 19, 2013 at the NFREC Beef Unit in Marianna, FL


The 13th Florida Bull Test was conducted at the University of Florida North Florida Research and Education center in Marianna. There were 93 consignments from 33 consignors from Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. There were 38 Angus, 3 Braford, 2 Brahman, 1 Brangus, 2 Hereford, 28 SimAngus, and 11 Simmental consignments born between August and December of 2011. Bulls were delivered in late July and initiated their 112-day test on August 21, 2012. The last day of test was December 12, 2012. In addition, a hallmark of the FL Bull Test is that individual feed intake is assessed to establish feed efficiency. At completion of the test the entire group of bulls averaged 3.63 pounds of gain per day, but ranged from 2.62 to 5.42 pounds per day.

Activities with the Bull Test conclude with a sale on Saturday, January 19, 2013. Only bulls meeting specific benchmarks are eligible for the sale. In addition, bulls are inspected for structural soundness and disposition and must pass a breeding soundness exam to qualify for the sale. Additional information, such as actual performance data, expected progeny differences (EPDs), and carcass ultrasound data are available for bull buyers to aid in the selection of excellent quality bulls to purchase.

For more information on the Florida Bull Test, including pictures of all bulls, visit the web page at http://nfrec.ifas.ufl.edu/fl_bull_test, or telephone 850-394-9124. Catalogs for the sale are available by request, or you can download the catalog: http://nfrec.ifas.ufl.edu/fl_bull_test/SALE_2013.pdf


Posted: January 7, 2013

Category: Livestock
Tags: Bull Test Sale

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