Extension Highlands County

Category: Events

Canning Banner, a line of canned tomatoes with someone chopping them up in the back ground

Canning, an art from the past

February 2, 2023

In the old days, food was not as readily available as today. We've come a long way with grocery stores seemingly on every corner. It's hard to imagine how our great-grandparents and those that came before them survived without such conveniences. ... READ MORE

Category: Events, Food Safety, Fruits & Vegetables, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Teaching,
Tags: Agriculture, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Master Gardener Volunteers, Tomatoes, UF/IFAS Extension, Vegetables
Lots of red tomatoes

Growing Florida Vegetables

July 13, 2021

Florida vegetables Maybe you are new to Florida and love to vegetable garden? Where you used to live, vegetables grew all summer and thrived, but you now live in Florida. Don't fret, Florida is a giant producer of commercial vegetables and ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Events, Fruits & Vegetables, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Agriculture, Classes, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Master Gardener, Master Gardeners, Tomatoes, UF/IFAS Extension, Vegetables
The Highlands County Master Gardeners are having their 2nd Annual Garden Festival on the November 16, 2019

2nd Annual Garden Festival is Coming Together

October 2, 2019

Last Year's success It was not quite a year ago the Highlands County Master Gardeners had their inaugural Garden Festival and plant sale. They themed it, Let It Grow! And grow it did; from a great plant sale to a fantastic festival. The festival ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Events, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Butterfly Gardens, Classes, Garden Festival, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Honey, Master Gardeners, Plant Sale, Sale, Tomatoes
The Highlands County Master Gardeners are having their 2nd Annual Garden Festival on the November 16, 2019

Plans on the way for 2nd Garden Festival

April 16, 2019

Let it Grow The Highlands County Master Gardeners took a leap of faith last year and it paid off. The annual plant sale became a Garden Festival. Their theme, "Let it Grow" described the process to a Tee. No longer were they just selling plants ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Agriculture, Classes, Garden Festival, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Master Gardener, Master Gardeners, Plant Sale

Garden Festival is replacing the Master Gardener Plant Sale

August 7, 2018

Garden Festival and Plant Sale They say time flies while you're having fun. This may explain why the Garden Festival feels like it is coming so quickly. Yes, the Annual Plant Sale, which comes on the 3rd Week of November every year, is morphing ... READ MORE

Category: Clubs & Volunteers, Community Volunteers, Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Festival, Gardening, Highlands County, Master Gardener, Master Gardeners, Plant Sale, Tomato

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