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Tag: rose rosette disease

Rose Rosette Disease Workshop and In-service Training

March 11, 2014

The recent discovery of rose rosette disease (RRD) in Florida threatens the State's $20 million rose nursery industry as well as retail sales and landscape use. RRD is caused by rose rosette virus that is vectored by an eriophyid mite. Already ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Pest Alert, Rose Rosette Disease, Workshops

It’s in Florida: Rose Rosette Virus, a Devastating Disease on Roses

February 21, 2014

Roses are one of the most popular flowering shrubs in U.S. with a total wholesale value of 194 million U.S. Dollars. Among the major states in U.S., Florida is the fourth largest producer of roses with a total value exceeding 20 million U.S. ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Disease, Horticulture, Ornamental, Panhandle Agriculture, Pest Management, Rose Rosette Disease, Rose Rosette Virus, RRV

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