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Tag: mammal

New Episode from Naturally Florida: “Surviving the Squeeze: The Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit’s Fight”

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May 20, 2024

The marsh rabbit is a medium-sized rabbit with short, rounded ears, and small feet. It is similar in appearance to the more familiar eastern cottontail rabbit but without the white color of their tail. The marsh rabbit is found in the southeastern ... READ MORE

Category: Natural Resources
Tags: Cottontail, Florida Keys, Mammal, Marsh Rabbit, Naturally Florida Podcast, Rabbit
Guana Preserve.

Stranded Whales: What You Should know

March 12, 2024

This past weekend, a sperm whale stranded at a beach in Venice, along the Gulf of Mexico. This event got a lot of attention because stranded large whales are not a common sight for beachgoers in this area. The cachalot eventually died, and ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Baleen, Beaching, Florida Sea Grant, Mammal, Marime, Marine Mammal, Pgm_Marine, Rescue, Sperm Whale, Stranding, Whale

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