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Air potato. Invasive yam species, perennial vine, poison plants.

How do I know which weeds are invasive? Weed Wrangle© Week

February 5, 2021

Blog by Morgan Pinkerton and Tina McIntyre, UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County What is an invasive weed? There are a lot of weeds out there! Some are more problematic than others, but not all of them are invasive. Invasive weeds are plants ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: CF CISMA, CISMA, FLEPPC, Invasive Species, Noxious Weeds, Stop The Spread, Tina McIntyre, USDA, Weed Wrangle, Weeds

Beach Vitex officially declared a State Noxious Weed

December 18, 2020

Other common names: Roundleaf Chaste tree, Chasteberry, Monk’s Pepper Florida beach goers, have you strolled alongside coastal dune areas and seen this attractive, vining plant? You may have witnessed the presence of beach vitex (Vitex ... READ MORE

Category: Natural Resources, Pests & Disease
Tags: Beach Vitex, Coastal Dune Plants, Dune Ecosystems, Dune Restoration, FLEPPC, Invasive Plants, Noxious Weeds, Vitex Rotundifolia

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