Welcome to 2021! A new year brings endless possibilities. What goals do you hope to accomplish in 2021? This is the time of year many think about things they want to do different for the upcoming year. For fun, you can use the 4-H pledge to help you with your 2021 goals.
I pledge:
• My Head to Clearer Thinking:
Do you wait until last minute to write buyers letters or do your record book? When we wait and have to rush to do it all at once, we can become mentally tired, and not do our best work. Maybe your goal for 2021 will be to make a time line to help you finish large projects in a timely manner.
• My Heart to Greater Loyalty:
Is there a part of your 4-H project you wish you could spend more time on? Think about what a difference you could make by dedicating time and putting your whole heart into your project.
• My Hands to Larger Service:
Service learning or community service is a part of your 4-H project, and can start at home. Helping to do projects around the house is a great way to help your parents, and the whole family. Simple things like helping with the dishes, laundry, or even playing with a younger sibling can help your family a lot.
• My Health to Better Living:
What can you do in 2021 to be a healthier you? Simple things like drinking an extra glass of water, or walking a few minutes every day can help you feel better.
What will you do in 2021 to “Make the Best Better”?