Mastering the Online Interview

Are you ready for your college or job interview? Is your interview over Zoom or another digital platform? 4-H members, especially senior 4-H members often must attend interviews for a job, scholarship, or college entrance. Many companies are now using digital platforms to interview people online such as Zoom. Here are some quick tips to help you ace your next interview.

Preparing for the interview:

  • Check your bandwidth.
  • Use a wired connection.
  • Download the latest software updates.
  • Upload a high-resolution, well-lit photo for the times you must turn your camera off. Do not use a group photo or icon.
  • Use a solid-colored background.
  • Make sure you have a high-resolution camera and a reliable headset or speaker.
  • Set up a practice run-through with a friend or family member.

On the day of the interview make sure to dress professionally and log in at least 5 minutes ahead of time. Just like anything else, practice always helps. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the platform that you will be using ahead of time. This will help you to look professional during the interview, and you will be less nervous.


Posted: July 7, 2022

Category: 4-H & Youth
Tags: 4-H, 4H, Interview, Online, Youth

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