Dig In! Gardening Course starts January 2021

Growing a Green Thumb!

Levy County Extension hosts the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF-IFAS) Extension Master Gardener volunteer (MGV) training program. Meeting Thursdays, January 28 – March 25, 9 am – Noon, in partnership with Levy County Board of County Commissioners and operated through the Levy County Extension office. Participants may choose to complete the Dooryard Horticulture Certificate of Completion (Track 1) or Master Gardener Volunteer Certification (Track 2).

Specifically addressing challenges of gardening in North Florida, topics include fertilization, watering efficiently, pesticides, vegetable gardening, Florida-Friendly Landscaping and fruit and citrus tree selection. Course uses a combination of lecture recordings, live Q&A webinars, discussion forums and weekly activities to guide your learning. This course makes a wonderful gift for someone who’s talked of taking this course, who may enjoy learning about plant processes and how plants grow, various techniques for propagating plants, fertilizer and plant nutrients and much more.
“I always thought that if I wasn’t a volume farmer or agricultural giant there was no reason for me to call …. Extension service. I was SO wrong,” states Peggy A, “the Nature Coast Master Gardener program is only one of gems available at your county Extension office.”

Track 1 – Dooryard Horticulture Certificate of Completion
~ OR ~
Track 2 –
Course + 75 hours volunteer service with UF/IFAS Extension = Certified Master Gardener Volunteer

Other equipment: Access to computer or laptop with external or built in webcam and microphone. Internet access needed. 8″x10″ dry erase board and notebook (optional). Approximately 8-10 hours per week. Self-directed, independent and self-motivated learning is enhanced with social interaction and collaboration. Course is sequenced to build connection with material, linking new material with existing information. There is great variety in how students learn and how long they take to learn. No driving in bad weather! Complete the course from comfort of your own home.

Who: facilitated by Barbara L. Edmonds, Horticulture PA. UF agents and specialists present topic material in video, lecture, text, audio and images. Multiple resources help build new knowledge. Learning objectives encourage participants to take an active role and be in charge of the learning process.
Next Step: return registration and $80 materials fee by January 4, 2021.

Cash, check or money order payable: University of Florida
MEMO: Master Gardener
Include contact phone number on check

NOTE: UF background check completed for Track 2 candidates. Be prepared to present photo ID.

In-person class size capped at 18. Following spacing guidelines at six-foot intervals. Members of same household may sit together. Additional measures include use of face covering inside the building, accessible sanitizing stations and disinfecting surfaces. Please let us know in advance if accommodations are required.

The people you meet and information gained may add to your enjoyment of gardening under Dixie, Gilchrist and Levy county conditions. Students are encouraged to keep a learning journal (reflections on what and how you are learning) or a learning agenda (what they need or want to learn and a plan of action).

Registration and $80 (non-refundable) materials fee due January 4, 2021. Request a course registration by email; savemygarden@ufl.edu , or Levy County Extension office, 625 North Hathaway Avenue, Bronson, 32621. Questions? Call me, 352-486-5131, or comment below. View 2020 UF’s NE District Master Gardener Awards program HERE. Click this link for redirection to UF’s Florida Master Gardener Program website. Please repost to share with family, friends and circle of influence. In the meantime, Spread Joy!!


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Posted: November 24, 2020

Category: Events, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, Work & Life
Tags: Citizen Scientists, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Levy County, Levy County Extension, Master Gardener, UF IFAS