Gadsden 4-H Summer Camps
April 27, 2017
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Category: 4-H & Youth, CampTags: 4H Events, Categories
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Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp4-H Day at the Capitol is an educational event that provides youth an opportunity to tour different parts of Tallahassee and the Capitol. Youth will visit with their legislators and watch them in action on the floor of the Senate and House ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & YouthJuly 6th marks the first day of fun and adventure for Gadsden County youth at Camp Cherry Lake in Madison. READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, CampIt is time to "Get in the Mix with 4-H Blitz"! This event is open to 4-H and non 4-H youth ages 8-13. when: March 7, 2015 where: Quincy Hosted by 4-H District 3 Council and Agents. Click link for registration form 4H Blitz 15- Registration READ MORE
Category: 4-H & YouthRemember to check the events and activities page as well as the summer program page for 2015 opportunities. Pages have been updated. READ MORE
Category: 4-H & YouthInspiring 4-H Leaders of Today to Make a Difference for the Leaders of Tomorrow!!! September 15th marks the kickoff of the 2nd annual Make a Difference Mondays series. This session the topic will be "4-H Club Management for the Busy 4-H Volunteer". Please ... READ MORE
Category: Community Volunteers, WORK & LIFEGadsden County 4-H Youth and Parents: The portfolio is one of the major components of how Florida 4-H awards trips and scholarships are earned. The steps to completing a portfolio should be well planned out to allot the right amount of time ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth