Family Fishing Days Resume August 21st

UF’s Fishing For Success to resume programs and events this summer

Family Fishing Days start up with our Back-to-School Bonanza on August 21st 2021. Our monthly free and open to the public fishing events will take place from 8 am to noon. We provide the bait and fishing gear, but folks are welcome to bring their own. This is a FREE event, but donations are welcome. Please see the “2021 Family Fishing Day” flyer for more dates.

Educational field trips will resume in late June. These private field trips have a per-child fee usually between $3 and $5. Trips typically

include 2 educational activities and fishing, and last 3-4 hours. Please see the “Fishing for Success flyer 2021” flyer for more details.

Please contact Crystal Hartman at or 352-273-3622 for any questions or to book a field trip.

We have kept our field trip fees the same as pre-covid, as we believe in easy access for all youth to our programs. However, we are self-funded. If you like our program, please consider making a tax-deductible donation at


Posted: June 14, 2021

Category: 4-H & Youth, Recreation, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Fishing For Success

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