Celebrate Pollinator Week – June 17-23, 2024

Blog post written by Mandy Baily

Celebrate Nature’s Wings and Petals! 

What do insect wings and flower petals have in common? Both come in an astounding array of colors. Insects and flowers are integral pieces of the natural puzzle that provide food and habitat for many, including us. 

Many winged pollinators such as the admired butterflies and moths, buzzing bees and wasps, and little-appreciated flies rely upon flower nectar, pollen, and greenery for their life cycle needs. Many plants depend on their flight to help carry on to the next floral generation. Of course, not all pollinators are insects. Pollinators also include birds, bats, small mammals, and the wind.

Gulf Fritillary butterfly on flower.
Gulf Fritillary butterfly on flower. UF/IFAS Photo by Cat Wofford

Why celebrate pollinators and their plant hosts?  

  • The wellness factors they support, such as clean air and water 
  • The food they provide 
  • The habitat they build for all manner of wildlife 
  • The natural resources they create that we use in our everyday lives, from fabrics to medicines 
  • The beauty they add to our lives  

How can I support pollinators? 

  • Plant native plants that support native pollinators. Florida Wildflower Foundation offers many resources www.flawildflowers.org, and the Florida Native Plant Society provides many opportunities to get involved with local chapters: www.fnps.org  
  • Engage in participatory science events that study local pollinators, such as:
    -> UF/IFAS Extension
    -> Florida Sea Grant
    -> The FL Department of Environmental Protection Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserve’s Pollinator Training and Participatory Science Program throughout the Indian River Lagoon region. Please contact Emily Surmont at emily.surmont@floridadep.gov for more information. 

Posted: June 17, 2024

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, NATURAL RESOURCES, UF/IFAS Extension, Wildlife
Tags: Brevard County, Environment, Florida Sea Grant, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Gardening, Wildlife

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