Learn how food waste impacts your life

April 5-9 has been designated Florida Food Waste Prevention Week, and UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County has joined this effort by offering a new class: How Food Waste Impacts your Life.

This free, hour-long class (2:30-3:30 p.m. April 08) takes a deeper look into the impacts of food waste and looks at the big picture issue surrounding food waste. It also examines the environmental and economic impacts and of course, how you can make more mindful decisions at home by being a savvy grocery shopper. How Food Waste Impacts your Life will help raise awareness and hopefully inspire you to make changes that will reduce food waste while also protecting our environment. As a bonus, the class will discuss how controlling the amount of food waste in your home saves money at the grocery store.

Register for this free class only at ufsarasotaext.eventbrite.com.

In future posts, we will discuss some helpful tips on ways to become a more mindful shopper as you peruse through the aisles at your local grocery store.


Maria Portelos-Rometo is a UF/IFAS Extension Agent at Sarasota County. She specializes in Family and Consumer Sciences.
Posted: April 8, 2021

Category: Conservation, Work & Life
Tags: Food, Food Waste, Food Waste Prevention Week, Pgm_FCS