Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to become a better land manager? Are you interested in learning how to manage for biodiversity at the properties you oversee? Curious about how to conduct a rapid site assessment? Consider taking one or both of the two NATA workshops open for registration this month offered in April: Managing for Diversity and Conservation Site Assessment & Planning!
Managing for Diversity
Managing for Diversity is a workshop designed for natural resource professionals seeking to build understanding of management and restoration approaches for conserving biodiversity.

Participants will identify factors responsible for Florida’s high biodiversity and develop a monitoring plan that assesses trends in biodiversity over time. This is a hybrid course, with a required pre-coursework component to be completed online. This portion of the workshop takes approximately 16 hours to complete. The in-person component follows in the form of a 1.5-day workshop at Morningside Nature Center in Gainesville on April 14-15, 2020. Participants travel to nearby Longleaf Flatwoods Preserve and complete a field exercise on wetlands evaluation, and also complete a field exercise on restoring upland plant species at Morningside.
Conservation Site Assessment & Planning
Conservation Site Assessment & Planning is a workshop designed for natural resource professionals seeking to build a foundation of skills useful in conducting site assessments and developing resource management plans.

Participants will discover sources of information useful when conducting site assessments and learn about a variety of management plans used by county, state, and federal agencies. This is also a hybrid course, with a required coursework component online. This portion of the workshop takes approximately 8 hours to complete. Following the online coursework, the 2-day in-person component will take place at Austin Cary Forest in Gainesville on April 29-30, 2020. Participants receive training on various forest measurement tools and gain experience collecting plot-level data in the field.
Interested in other NATA workshops? Visit our website here.