Extension Wakulla County

Tag: debt

Financial Security Webinar

February 8, 2012

AARP's Financial Security Team will hold a webinar for couples, just a few days shy of Valentine's Day! The webinar, Social Security and Couples, will provide information on Social Security benefits, how benefits may differ depending on whether ... READ MORE

Category: Money Matters, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Budgeting, Credit, Debt, Event, Families & Consumers, Family, Family And Consumer Sciences, FCS, Finances, Management, Money, Reduce Debt, Saving, Wakulla

Financial Security Webinar

February 8, 2012

AARP's Financial Security Team will hold a webinar for couples, just a few days shy of Valentine's Day! The webinar, Social Security and Couples, will provide information on Social Security benefits, how benefits may differ depending on whether ... READ MORE

Category: Money Matters, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Budget, Debt, Educational, Families & Consumers, Family, Family & Consumer Sciences, Finances, Free, Management, Money, Wakulla, Wakulla Extension, Webinar

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