The holiday season will soon be upon us. It seems to begin earlier each year placing more stress on both retailers and consumers. Retailers struggle to sell more products while consumers are subjected to a bombardment of messages via ads and media to encourage us to buy more! Through careful planning, the journey can be more emotionally and financially stable.
It is not about sacrifice; it is about opportunity to…..
- Make the commitment to be debt free from holiday expenses on January 1, 2016 through good planning.
- Create a spending plan and log each expense. Use cash and/or debit cards when at all possible. Money coming directly out of your pocket will likely make you think harder about your purchase.
- Stay motivated by finding a support system of people who have similar goals. Share your vision and ask for assistance and support.
- Think of ways to find alternatives to pricey presents. Holidays are about spending time with family and loved ones so don’t let gifts be the focus of your holidays or break your holiday budget.
- Track and assess your spending. Recommit daily to being debt free on January 1, 2016 from holiday expenses.
- Learn more about this subject with worksheets to assist with your planning at https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pdffiles/FY/FY140500.pdf FCS5267