Walk Across Wakulla with UF/IFAS Extension

UF/IFAS Extension invites you to Walk Across Wakulla from January 11 to March 11, 2021. Over two months, you will have the opportunity to set a goal to walk 32 or more miles. The 32 mile goal represents the distance from the Franklin to Jefferson county lines on Highway 98. To complete your walking goal, you can choose to walk at a park, on a trail, or in your neighborhood.

Members of the Wakulla 4-H Healthy Living Walking Club led by Club Leader Quincee Messersmith have already accepted the challenge. No need to be a 4-H member to participate. The whole community is invited to participate and the challenge is open to residents of any age. To register, click on the Walk Across Wakulla link.

The Walk Across Wakulla program concludes on March 11, 2021. March 11 is the anniversary of our county’s 1843 founding. In place of our annual Wakulla Wonderful county founding day party, our time spent walking across the county will be part of how we celebrate our community this year. UF/IFAS Extension invites you to get outside and enjoy our beautiful county! If you are a very ambitious walker you could walk a mile to represent every year since Wakulla’s founding!

For those participants who choose to walk as a group with non-family members, please follow current UF/IFAS safety guidelines in place to help maintain your health and safety: wear a mask and keep a six-foot distance between yourself and other walkers.

Adult and youth participants may choose to keep a log to record their miles. Youth participants also have the opportunity to color a walking shoe for each mile walked. Completed shoes will be displayed in the UF/IFAS Wakulla Extension facility arena after March 11, 2021. Shoe coloring pages are available at the Extension office at 84 Cedar Avenue in Crawfordville or can be received electronically or by postal service by request. Email r.pienta@ufl.edu to receive your coloring pages.

walking shoe
Color and cut out your shoe before submitting it to the UF/IFAS Extension office.

The first 50 youth to complete 32 miles and submit 32 colored shoes will receive a t-shirt from the Wakulla County Farm Bureau and be eligible for a few other fun surprises.

Each week, UF/IFAS Extension faculty will post helpful, healthy tips on our website and social media pages.

Set a walking goal and start walking!

Posted: January 11, 2021

Category: 4-H & Youth, Health & Nutrition, WORK & LIFE
Tags: 4-H, Exercise And Fitness, Families, Walking

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