Cleaners and Disinfectants

Cleaning Supplies
Cleaning Supplies and Disinfectants

Courtesy of Shelley Swenson
UF/ IFAS Wakulla Extension

Household cleaners help remove dirt. Disinfectants help stop the growth of disease-causing microorganisms carried in flood water. Powdered or liquid cleaners and disinfectants are more practical and much less expensive than aerosol products, since large areas will probably need to be cleaned.

Buy cleaners and disinfectants in the largest sizes available to reduce their costs. Farm supply, hardware, wallpaper and paint stores often have these products in gallon or pound containers. All products are not suited for all uses. For More Tips Click Here….



Posted: August 24, 2012

Category: Disaster Preparation, Home Management, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Disaster Recovery, Disasters, Families & Consumers, Family, Family & Consumer Sciences, Shelley Swenson, Wakulla County Extension

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