Re-think Your Drink

Re- think Your Drink. You can gain 12 lbs a year!

By Shelley Swenson
Family and Consumer Sciences/Expanded Food and Nutrition Program
UF/IFAS Wakulla County Extension

With the coming of Spring, people naturally drink more beverages to accommodate for the heat. Many sweet beverages are little more than a sugar delivery systems and the extra calories are easy to miss. What you drink can make more of a difference than you think. Suppose you drink a can of sweetened soda every day. Over a week, that is more than 1,000 extra calories. Unless you burn those calories off with more activity each and every day, you will gain weight. How much? About 12 pounds a year! More…


Posted: April 2, 2012

Category: Health & Nutrition, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Calories, Diet, Educational, Family & Consumer Sciences, My Plate, Nutrition, Shelley Swenson, Wakulla Extension, Weight Loss

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