As a fifth generation to my family’s farm, I can remember as a kid driving tractors, mowing pastures, and baling hay. I remember dad giving me the basic run down of the dos and don’ts of operating the tractor. As a woman in agriculture, I am thankful for the farm experiences I have had, however, I know not everyone has had training to operate equipment, that is why I am extremely excited to help host the Tractor Driving Safety Course designed for beginning drivers on January 20th and 21st at the North Florida Research Center in Live Oak, Fl.
Make plans to join us to further develop your tractor driving skills, throughout the course you will be able to learn from industry professionals about tractor safety and driving. In the classroom instruction you will learn through safety demonstrations from hand signals to PTO hazards. Farm implements will be available to practice properly hooking and unhooking as well as operating various pieces of equipment. This is an opportunity for all from large farm operators to homeowners with small tractors. During the event there will also be a trade show on Friday with vendors offering financial information for all attendees.
The cost to attend is $75 per person and this cost will cover materials, lunch for both days, along with snacks. To register please visit: This event is extremely important learning opportunity for beginning farm operators as tractor accidents are the number one case of death in farming. Through learning proper tractor safety, we can save lives by making you as new operators aware of the equipment you are working with. I hope to see you later this month at the Tractor Safety Course, if you have any questions feel free to call our UF/IFAS Suwannee County Extension Office, An Equal Opportunity Institute, at 386-362-2771.