Risk assessment:
Your home is one of your largest financial investments. Have you ever done a risk assessment to determine how affected our home or landscape would be if a wildfire was nearby? Florida is prone to lightning strikes which can easily start fires. Did you know wind can carry flaming embers a mile or more from a fire and start new fires? Additionally, many homeowners don’t take the necessary precautions when burning piles at home. I know of two gentlemen who shared frightening stories of their burn piles getting out of control.
Safe burning techniques include:
- Keep burn piles 50 feet from public roads
- Stay 25 feet from woodlands
- Be sure burn pile is 25 feet from the house and other structures
- Keep burn piles smaller than eight feet in diameter
- Burn piles over eight feet in diameter require authorization from the Division of Forestry, and suppression equipment needs to be on hand
A few things to think about to make your home and landscape firewise:
- Make sure your address is visible from two directions and the house numbers are at least four inches in height.
- Make sure the fire department or Division of Forestry has access to a locked gate.
- Keep pine straw at least 30 feet from your house and other structures.
- Avoid planting highly flammable plants (contain volatile oils) like wax myrtle, holly, gallberry near your house.
- Prune tree limbs six to ten feet from the ground.
- Avoid storing gas cans in garages or under decks.
For more information go to:
You can also contact us for a free publication and check list on which shrubs and trees are most flammable. Email Michelle: drummond.m@ufl.edu or stop by our office at: 1302 11th Street SW in Live Oak for a copy. We are offering a free Firewise class on Tuesday, March 8th at the UF/IFAS Extension office , an Equal Opportunity Institution. In North Florida our fire season is quickly approaching, so take action now. Sign up: https://is_your_home_firewise.eventbrite.com or by calling (386) 362-2771 and asking for Michelle.