Whole-Farm Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Video Series Released

If you want to know the best ways to manage pests via integrated pest management, you can find all of the information you need in a series of video modules created by University of Florida IFAS Extension faculty. These IPM strategy modules are targeted for those looking to implement IPM strategies either on a whole-farm or whole-landscape level.

These modules were developed at the UF IFAS Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center near Live Oak, Florida, where the 300-acre farm has been transformed into a Living IPM-Laboratory that puts IPM strategies into real-life situations. Under this long-range plan, the farm has implemented several innovative IPM strategies to manage pests and has reduced pesticide use by more than 50%. These strategies include: farm-scaping and whole-farm systems, trap crops and banker plants, trapping arrays, native pollinator enhancement, scouting and selecting pesticides wisely conservation tillage and cover crops, birds and bat utilization for pest reduction, establishment of “plants with a purpose”, fence lines and hedge rows, pest exclusion, and protected agriculture.

IPM field Lab
Overview of the IPM Field Laborotary

“This farm is a real teaching field laboratory and based on our weekly scouting data we have seen significant reductions in pest pressure over the past six years,” said Bob Hochmuth, UF/IFAS Extension Center Director.

sunflower ipm
Sunflowers are used as trap crops

“The UF/IFAS Extension team provides training at the farm and encourage farmers to visit the farm to observe the IPM system for themselves,” Hochmuth said. “However, with the videos we are creating a lasting resource that can be accessed by anybody at anytime.

The videos were created with the objective to share with growers our successful experience at the farm, according to Hochmuth.

Watching the short video modules will give you the ability to learn the most effective ways to implement IPM strategies efficiently. Ten videos and follow-up resources are available to the public.. These video modules are now available on the UF IFAS Virtual Field Day web site at http://vfd.ifas.ufl.edu.

The direct link to the IPM Whole Farm Modules is http://vfd.ifas.ufl.edu/whole-farm-ipm.shtml.

For more information on the IPM Whole Farm Project contact Bob Hochmuth at 386-362-1725 x103 or email bobhoch@ufl.edu

This ongoing project is supported with funding from University of Florida IFAS, USDA NIFA Extension IPM Program, Southern Region IPM Center, and Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) Program, and the Suwannee Conservation District.


Posted: February 6, 2016

Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Pests & Disease
Tags: Small-farms

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