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Tag: landscape pests

io caterpillars on a hedge

Hey, ho, io!

October 8, 2018

They can be fairly hard to spot if you’re zipping through the landscape at 8 mph on a golf cart, but it is also hard to ignore 50 feet of a defoliating hibiscus hedge as a result of the collective appetite of an io caterpillar infestation. A ... READ MORE

Category: Horticulture, Pests & Disease
Tags: Beneficial Insects, Butterflies, Caterpillars, Horticulture, Integrated Pest Management, Landscape Pests, Moths, Parasitic Wasps, Pesticides, Pgm_HortComm, Stinging Caterpillars, Venomous Caterpillars

I spy… whitefly!

December 4, 2017

When is a scale insect not a scale insect? When it's actually the juvenile stage of a whitefly. That is what some of the local landscapers found out while scouting for pests. The pupal cases of both Tetraleurodes (e.g., mulberry whitefly) ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Aphids, Horticulture, Insect Pests, Landscape Pests, Magnolia, Mulberry Whitefly, Ornamental Pests, Palm Aphids, Palm Tree, Pepper Whitefly, Pgm_HortComm, Scale Insect, Tuliptree Scale, Whiteflies, Whitefly, Whitefly Pupa

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