‘Attract Wildlife’ is the 5th principle of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™. This can be as simple as planting flowers, such as this starry rosinweed Silphium asteriscus, that attract many kinds of pollinators. Keep in mind that nuts, fruit, seeds, berries and even leaves all provide an important food source. Planting a variety of plants—trees, shrubs, vines, perennials and annuals will attract a variety of wildlife and provide food, cover and shelter. Florida has one of the most diverse wildlife populations of any state.
We can provide a “natural corridor” in our backyards between woodlands and other wild areas to make it easier for wildlife to travel from area to area. Additionally, make sure to provide a water source such as a bird bath or small pond. How about dedicating a few feet of your backyard to the birds, bees and other wildlife?