EVENT: Green industries best management practices workshop

Are you involved in maintaining lawn, landscape, pest control, or municipal grounds areas. If so, our Jan. 22 “Green Industries Best Management Practices” (BMP) class is for you.

BMPs focus on reducing non-point source pollution resulting from fertilizer or pesticide application. In Florida, the state requires all commercial fertilizer applicators to obtain a Limited Certification for Commercial Fertilizer Application license, and certification in BMPs is required to obtain this license. (Applications for the license will be available at the BMP seminar.)

In Sarasota County, you are required to be certified in BMPs to apply fertilizer commercially. In many areas, BMP certification is required to bid on jobs or have commercial customers.

Following completion of this course and training, you will be given a post-test to determine knowledge learned. If the post-test is successfully completed, you will be mailed a certificate of completion from the University of Florida.

CEUs: 2 Core, 2 Pvt., 2 O&T, 2 LCLM, 2 LLO, 2 LF, 2 L&O, 4 MAXIMUM

Time: Registration/check-in: 8:15 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.; Class/Pre-Post Test: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Breakfast refreshments are provided; lunch is on your own.

Cost: $25 per person

Advance registration is required, while tickets are available online or at the door. Make checks payable to the University of Florida.

For more information contact Marguerite Beckford at mbeckford@scgov.net


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Posted: December 7, 2018

Category: Agriculture, Events, Horticulture
Tags: BMP, CEU, Event, Fertilizer, Green Industries, Pesticide, Pgm_Admin

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