UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County extends its heartfelt “Thank you!” to its volunteers, as we celebrate National Volunteer Week (April 17-23).
And there is much to celebrate, with this group. In 2021, Extension’s 328 volunteers provided 12,595 hours of service, worth $359,466 in labor to Sarasota County residents. Despite and throughout another challenging year with the COVID-19 pandemic, our volunteers supported Extension staff in providing education and outreach across Sarasota County. Some of their accomplishments included:
Virtual education and meetings have been essential as the COVID-19 pandemic continued in 2021 but Extension volunteers were able to safely transition to in person events.
Master Gardener Volunteers staff a check-in table on a rainy Saturday during the group’s 2021 plant sale.. [CREDIT: UF/IFAS Extension Sarsaota County]Master Gardener Volunteers assisted residents with a wide-ranging array of plant and landscape questions, fielded at the main Plant Clinic location, at our Twin Lake Park Plant Clinic. Earlier this year, these volunteers also worked together to return the popular Plant Clinics at satellite locations around the county, like Sarasota County public libraries. They also maintained gardens at the Extension office and Sarasota County library and park sites, as well as helped Extension water resources staff provide free irrigation evaluations to Sarasota County homeowners.
The successful Master Gardener Volunteer Radio Hour show continued to provide plant and landscape information to residents across Sarasota County, and shared that information with thousands outside the county via the internet.
Our Sustainability Energy Upgrade program volunteers provided information and energy-saving kits at events across the county. Energy Upgrade volunteers also worked with residents experiencing financial hardships to implement energy- and water-saving modifications to their homes.
4-H volunteers guided and supported 4-H youth throughout 2021, helping youth showcase their talents and enhance their leadership skill. Volunteers teamed with Extension staff to help 4-H youth complete another successful season of activities at the Sarasota County Fair.
Extension staff salute and thank our incredible volunteers!