For Immediate Release
Contact: Renee Bodine, 352-338-9565
Workshop Explains NRCS Financial and Technical Assistance for Ag Producers
Date & Time: June 10, 10 am.
In Person: UF/IFAS Everglades Research and Education Center, 3200 East Palm Beach Road, Belle Glade, Fla. 33430
Virtual: ufl.zoom.us/j/8545178321; Meeting ID: 854 517 8321
Contact: Dr. Jango Bhadha at jango@ufl.edu or 561-993-1711
Workshop covers USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) technical and financial assistance for agricultural producers. Learn how to develop a conservation plan and identify the right conservation practices for your property. Presentation by Rosa L. Reyes, NRCS district conservationist for Palm Beach and Broward counties.