EVENT: It’s all about the bugs

Got bugs? Got questions? Get answers. Join us Aug. 13 for our entertaining and informative “It’s a Buggy World: Identifying Insects in the Landscape” webinar.

With an estimated 12,000 insect species in Florida, one could easily get overwhelmed when trying to identify an insect on a backyard plant. Insects are an amazing and important part of the ecosystem; they are pollinators, predators, decomposers, and detritivores. While most insects are “good bugs,” roughly 1 percent are truly problematic pests that can cause us physical harm (ant bites, wasp sting) or do damage to our landscape. It is important to know the difference.

This free webinar, set for 11-11:30 a.m., will show you how to identify insects through their feeding behavior, and help you determine which are good for you and your growing versus those that can cause issues. We’ll also give you a better understanding of how integrated pest management strategies can help support a healthy ecosystem. Register early through ufsarasotaext.eventbrite.com to reserve your spot and receive notice of any changes.

BONUS: If you have an insect and you’re not sure what it is, we’ll do our best to help you identify it through this interactive webinar!

Instructor: Carol Wyatt-Evens, UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County Chemicals in the Environment Agent.



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Posted: July 21, 2020

Category: 4-H & Youth, Events
Tags: Bug, Event, Insect, Integrated Pest Management, Pest, Pgm_Admin

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