If your lawn and landscape care professional applies fertilizer as a part of his/her services, then the answer is yes. Since January 2014, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) has required that all commercial fertilizer applicators have a Limited Fertilizer License.

So what does FDACS define as a fertilizer? You may be surprised at what is considered a fertilizer under the statute that governs this license. The following are included:
- Lawn or landscape fertilizers
- Organic fertilizers
- Any product that contains plant nutrients including compost
- Lime and all other products that influence soil acidity/alkalinity
- Substances that promote plant growth
- Any other substance that provides a soil corrective measure
In order to obtain this license, lawn care professionals attend a science-based training session called Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMPs) that teach environmentally friendly landscaping practices in order to protect Florida’s water quality. These practices also save the homeowner money, time, and effort; increase the health and beauty of the home landscape; and protect the health of your family, pets, and the environment. The training is led by UF/IFAS Extension professionals. Attendees must pass a post-training exam and then can receive a license valid for 4 years.
In order to check whether your lawn care professional has a Limited Fertilizer License, check the FDACS site here. Every applicator must have his/her individual license.