Why do landscape professionals and the property owners they serve need to know more about the Green Industries Best Management Practices?
Concerns about excessive nutrients and Florida’s water quality have led to increased focus on the use of fertilizer and other landscape management practices. As a result, landscape professionals using fertilizer as part of their business have been required to obtain the limited urban fertilizer certification since 2014. If you’re a landscape professional applying fertilizer to urban turfgrass as part of your job, this certification is for you!

Upcoming Training
UF/IFAS Extension Polk County will offer this training Thursday, September 26, 2019 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Our office is located at 1702 Hwy 17 S, Bartow FL 33830. See the registration page at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/green-industries-best-management-practices-gi-bmp-english-92619-tickets-62016314466
Protect Water Quality
The Green Industries Best Management Practices (GIBMPs) focus on landscape practices to protect Florida’s water quality. Participants will learn how to calculate fertilizer applications and time practices to best meet the needs of turfgrass while protecting our surface and groundwater.
Learn and Earn CEUs
This workshop provides training and opportunity for certification in the Green Industries Best Management Practices for those working in the lawn, landscape, pest control, or municipal grounds maintenance industries. Best Management Practices are focused on reducing non-point source pollution, particularly of water. The program is also approved for CEUs to renew this and other certifications. Hope to see you there!
Find out more
Find out more about the program, download the manual and see online and DVD training options here. https://gibmp.ifas.ufl.edu/
More Training
See all upcoming UF/IFAS Extension Polk County pesticide programs here. https://goo.gl/jfX6D6
Is your landscape professional GIBMP certified?
Wonder if your landscape professional is certified? Check the list here. http://ffl.ifas.ufl.edu/professionals/certification_lists/cert_county_name.shtml
How do I get the certification?
After successful completion of the post-test, a certificate of completion, honored statewide, will be mailed and may be used to apply for the state license. This training may also be used to renew many Florida pesticide licenses. Click on the register now button above for detailed CEU info.
Do I need the Limited Fertilizer License?
If you apply fertilizer for hire and are not part of an in house property maintenance crew, the law requires you to get a license after you pass the class. If you apply fertilizer only as part of your in house maintenance employment the law does not require you to complete this next step.
Apply for the “license”
Please note that obtaining the Limited Commercial Fertilizer Applicator Certificate (LCFAC) is a separate and additional process. Once you have passed the post-test and received your certification you will need to download and fill out this form and mail it in. https://www.freshfromflorida.com/content/download/38149/852766/limited_fertilizer_pkt.pdf
Online application
Find out more about the online application process at https://www.freshfromflorida.com/content/download/35769/834473/How_to_use_AES_eCommerce_Site_for_Limited_Urban_Commercial_Landscape_Fertilizer_Applicator.pdf