Spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect in the Fulgoridae family. It has a wide host range including fruit, ornamental, and woody trees. Tree-of-heaven is one of its preferred hosts. It is currently in Pennsylvania under quarantine. They are being spread by the movement of infested wood in the USA. This pest poses a major threat to grape, orchard, and logging industries. In Florida, it threatens grapes and native forests.
Adult spotted lanternflies are 1 inch long with large, colorful wings. The front wings are light brown with black spots and speckled bands at the tip. The hind wings are bright red with black tips and a white band in the center. The abdomen is yellow and black.
Trees infested with spotted lanternfly will ooze and smell fermented. Honeydew will build up around the tree and sooty mold will grow in the honeydew.
You can read more about this invasive pest at this USDA-APHIS information page or the USDA Pest Alert. If you think you have found this insect, you can send a specimen to the UF Insect Identification Lab.