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Category: Forests

Flowering plum tree branch

Signs of “springtime” in central Florida…

February 17, 2021

Signs of "springtime" in central Florida... If you've been a long-time reader of this blog, you already know that I love to highlight the unique changes of Florida's seasons. "Springtime" in Florida is no exception. (Click here for my ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Forests, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources
Tags: Florida Friendly Landscaping, Seasonal Color, Seasons, Trees, Wildflowers
Fall color in Florida - holly berries and red leaves

Florida Fall Color

November 21, 2018

Florida is known for warm weather, sandy beaches, theme parks…. but fall color? We’ve got that too! Here's how to embrace the change in seasons, Florida-Friendly style. Up north, the spectacle of autumn leaves changing color is ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Forests, Home Landscapes, Wildlife
Tags: #FloridaFallColor, Autumn, Berries, Fall, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Landscaping, Right Place, Right Plant, Trees, Wildflowers
Fire in wooded area

Can A Landscape Be Fire-Wise, While Still Achieving Other Goals?

May 7, 2018

As we reach the peak of the springtime dry season in Florida, it is a time to be extra-aware of wildfire risks. Pasco County Fire Rescue's social media page recently reminded residents of the importance of being fire-wise around our homes and ... READ MORE

Category: Disaster Preparation, Forests, Home Landscapes, UF/IFAS, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Drought, Energy-efficiency, Fire-wise, Firewise, Landscape, Landscaping, Water Conservation, Water-wise, Wildfire

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