While it’s good to stock up now on nonperishable food, do you know what to do with your current refrigerated food before the storm hits? Perishable food becomes compromised during a power outage after a certain amount of time. Yes, food waste is a huge inconvenience and a cost burden to households. But here are a few things to know to possibly minimize having any discarded food, according to foodsafety.gov:
- Set your refrigerator and freezer down a few degrees to make it extra cold beforehand.
- For refrigerated food you don’t need between now and when the storm comes, freeze it.
- Once the power goes out, make sure to keep the fridge and freezer doors shut to maintain these timelines:
- During a power outage, having a full freezer will hold its temperature for 48 hours, while a half-full freezer will last for 24 hours.
- During a power outage, the food is safe in the fridge for four hours.
- Your nonperishable food should be stored on an elevated shelf to avoid possible contact with flood water.
- An appliance thermometer is helpful to know how warm your refrigerator or freezer got. The temperature danger zone is 40-140 degrees.
- When in doubt, throw it out. It’s not worth risking a food borne illness during already hectic times.
- See this list from foodsafety.gov to determine which foods don’t have to be discarded, such as condiments and uncut fruit: https://www.foodsafety.gov/food-safety-charts/food-safety-during-power-outage#:~:text=As%20the%20USDA%20notes%20in,after%204%20hours%20without%20power.
- Some homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance policies cover food spoilage claims. Check to see if yours does, or how you can add this coverage going forward.
- Fill water in containers and place in freezer to make ice packs. If you lose power for an extended amount of time, this can double as drinking water.
- Call your local Extension office if you have any questions.