Landscape Professional Licenses

How you landscape matters! Did you know that how you mow impacts how much water your yard might need? Or that what gets pruned could cause an unnecessary wound? Did you know a lot of your lawn issues can be solved with proper mowing and a calibrated, well maintained irrigation system?

The truth is, landscaping should be a major consideration in the home buying process, but amid inspections and audits, plants are the last thing you think about. Guess what, friends – that tall grass will remind you it needs mowing every time you hope for a beach day, a lazy day, or when skies are gray.

Professional certifications are required for urban commercial fertilizer applicators and for for-hire pesticide application. Trainings and certifications exist for other licenses, but are not necessarily required to do the job.

Mow, Edge, Hedge, Blow

No license required. License recommended:


No license required. License recommended:


License required by law to do any for-hire fertilization:

  • Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) certification
    • GI-BMP training required for urban commercial fertilizer application, but the class also teaches a variety of landscape best practices
    • Applicators need to take class, pass exam, apply for license with FDACS, and in some counties, show proof of training in local county
  • Check for GI-BMP Certification:

Pest Control

License required by law to do any for-hire pesticide application

  • Different licenses for:
    • Pesticide application to plant beds
      • Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance (LCLM)
    • Pesticide application to turfgrass and plant beds
      • Pest Control Operator (CPO) supervises ID Cardholders
  • Check for pesticide applicator’s license here:

Tree Pruning

No license required. License recommended:

  • International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist
    • Professional who has demonstrated a basic knowledge of tree care through the completion of a comprehensive exam on tree trimming, care, and removal
  • Check ISA database to verify credentials:

Florida Friendly Landscaping Certified Professional

No license required, but these individuals are up to date on the latest Florida Friendly recommendations from UF/IFAS. Learn more here:


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Posted: August 31, 2021

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, HOME LANDSCAPES, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Turf, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Cflandscapes, Fertilizer, Hire Landscaper, How To Hire Landscaper, Hwooten, Landscape, Landscaper, Landscaper Requirements, Licenses, Pesticide, Required Licenses

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