UF/IFAS Extension Orange County Announces New Director

UF/IFAS Extension Orange County welcomed Kevin Camm as the new County Extension Director earlier this month. Camm will focus on sustainable agriculture and community resource development as well as leading the County’s team of Agents.

Camm grew up on St. Moor Farm, a century family farm in Amherst, Virginia, and worked for Virginia Cooperative Extension for more than 13 years. He brings a wealth of experience and passion to Florida with a specific interest in developing innovative programming that reaches urban audiences.

“I want UF/IFAS to be essential in the urban and rural areas and reach every single person we possibly can,” he said. “UF/IFAS should be the go-to organization for answers to common problems. We have the answers; they are research-based and we need to get them in people’s hands.”

Camm is dedicated to strengthening current partnerships, create new ones and innovate programs in a way that will increase exposure of UF/IFAS Extension across Orange County.

“That is what we are here to do, improve and change the lives of many,” he said. “I have always lived by the 4-H motto to make the best, better. This office is great now. I wonder, how can we make it better?”

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Orange County is Florida’s fifth-most populous county with more than 1.3 million residents. Camm and UF/IFAS Extension Orange County Agents have the opportunity for wide-reaching impacts.

“Florida has an excellent Extension program and UF/IFAS seemed like the next best step to help people and do good work with Extension,” Camm said. “We have family here and I always thought Florida would eventually be my home.”


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Posted: July 27, 2020

Category: 4-H & Youth, AGRICULTURE, HOME LANDSCAPES, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Cflandscapes, New Faculty, Ocextension, UF/IFAS Extension Orange County


Chris Weber

September 17, 2020

Thank you Mike! Kevin has not been set up here quite yet, but I've passed your comments along to him. He's excited to be here and sure appreciates your warm welcome!

Mike McKinney
September 1, 2020

Welcome to Florida KEVIN and to IFAS. I am the retired county director from Hillsborough County. I have a fond place in my heart for orange county because I work very closely with JAY Hurber Back in the old days. Wishing you great success in your new post in orange county. Mike McKinney Professor emeritus/University of Florida Leader ship development and public policy


June 29, 2020

Hi Ms. Ellie, I am so glad to hear you found the information helpful. I will offer a webinar about septic system maintenance and private well management soon. Please stay tuned. Thanks, Yilin


April 6, 2020

Celeste White did retire last year, but Hannah Wooten has taken her place in Orange County and has provided pesticide applicator training this year. Contact her at hwooten@ufl.edu or (407) 254-9200. Although offices are closed to the public, agents are still working. The CEU Day this year will be held online over Zoom. Registration is at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-ceu-day-for-ufifas-lake-county-extension-tickets-93151587907. You can also get CEUs online at https://ifas-pest.catalog.instructure.com/, and free CORE CEUs at http://citrusindustry.net/ceu/ and https://www.growingproduce.com/crop-protection/ceu-series/.

Vince Witengier
April 5, 2020

Need to get my CEUs for limited pesticides applicator - 4 CEUs Was being held every January. However, this year it wasn't. At the time nobody seemed to know if when or where it would be held. With the change of Dr White this seems to have fallen between the cracks. I and several others have seeked out Alt that were feasible but those classes were for exams and other license types or way to far to travel. That said now it would need to be an online class. Please advise Sincerely Vince Witengier

Ed Thralls

April 3, 2020

Send your photos as attachments to e-mail to orange@ifas.ufl.edu. If they are pictures of turfgrass, they are usually difficult to address because all problems with turfgrass are brown spots. Include as much information as you can -- when did it start, how often do you water, when did you last fertilize, etc.

Janice Rathman
March 22, 2020

I'm having issues with my lawn and wondered if I could upload a couple of photos to see if someone might be able to provide some guidance

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