Orange County 4-H Kick-Off

Join us for the 4-H Kick-Off

The Orange County 4-H program welcomes you to join us on October 6, 2018 from 9:00 to noon at the UF/IFAS Orange County Extension Education Center for the Annual 4-H Kick-Off event. 4-H Clubs are invited to set up stations where new families can learn about 4-H and how to get involved. It is also a great opportunity for existing for 4-H members to make new friends and learn more about the other clubs in Orange County. Each 4-H club station will offer some type of hands-on opportunity for visitors and there will be a challenge to encourage visitors to get to each station. Some stations will offer drinks and snacks for sale as well.

Code Your World 4-H NYSD Challenge

The Orange County 4-H Youth Council station will feature the 2018 National 4-H Youth Science Day challenge entitled Code Your World. The National 4-H Council has teamed up with Google to get kids involved in computer science through hands-on activities using Google’s CS First platform. The challenge also includes several unplugged activities that bring computer science to life through games and interaction. Visitors to the Youth Council station will have the opportunity to spend a few minutes sampling an activity or stay longer and complete an entire challenge.

Following the 4-H Kick-Off Code Your World debut, 5 kits will be available to check-out from the 4-H office. Club leaders are encouraged to offer the challenge at 4-H meetings or special events as a fun and interactive educational program. For more information on the Code Your World Challenge, visit!code-your-world .

Learn More About 4-H

Orange County 4-H is open to all youth ages 5-18 through community clubs, school enrichment and after-school programs across the county. For help finding a club in your community or volunteering opportunities, please contact us by visiting, email , or call 407-254-9222.


Posted: September 21, 2018

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers, Relationships & Family, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, Leadership, Life Skills, Ocextension, Orange County, Youth