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Tag: Sensation

bright red strawberries held in the palm of two hands

El inicio de la época de máxima producción de fresas en Florida llena sus mercados con sabrosas frutas

January 22, 2024

Creado por Brad Buck, especialista sénior en relaciones públicas de UF/IFAS.  Estamos en el apogeo de la temporada de cosecha de fresas en Florida, un momento en el que los productores se esfuerzan al máximo por asegurar que los consumidores ... READ MORE

Category: AGRICULTURE, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Asociación De Productores De Fresas De Florida, Calidad, Consumidores, Cosecha, Cultivares, Enfermedades, Espanol, Fitomejoramiento, Florida, Florida Brilliance, Florida Pearl, Florida Strawberry Growers Association, Fresas, GCREC, Kenneth Parker, Medallion, Mercado, Plagas, Practicas De Manejo, Productores´, Sabor, Sensation, Spanish, UF/IFAS, Vance Whitaker, Wael Elwakil

UF scientists use AI technology to breed better-tasting strawberries

April 7, 2021

A tastier strawberry may come from a computer. New University of Florida research shows artificial intelligence can help scientists breed more flavor into the fruit. Consumer panels are the tried-and-true method for UF researchers to gauge ... READ MORE

Tags: #aiatuf, Algorithm, Aroma, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Breeding, Computer, Flavor, Food Science And Human Nutrition, Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, Horticultural Sciences, Sensation, Strawberries, Taste Panels, UF Sensory Lab, Vance Whitaker, Volatiles

Florida Strawberry Festival’s featured fruit comes from UF/IFAS research

February 12, 2020

PLANT CITY, Fla. --- When you hear the words “Plant City,” what comes to mind? Strawberries, probably. As thousands of people come here for the annual Florida Strawberry Festival this month, many will eat various types of the fruit. They ... READ MORE

Tags: Florida Brilliance, Florida Strawberry Festival, Florida Strawberry Growers Association, Sensation, UF/IFAS Varieties, Vance Whitaker