Citrus irrigation and nutrition updates are the topics for upcoming workshop February 15

LAKE ALFRED, Fla. — Understanding the latest research on irrigation and nutrient management for citrus trees will be the topic of a workshop for citrus growers on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Assistant Professor Davie Kadyampakeni and UF/IFAS Extension citrus agent Chris Oswalt will hold the half-day educational session at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred.

Sessions will include an update on Best Management Practices in citrus research,  using smart-irrigations apps for irrigation scheduling, using silicon in citrus production, impact of micronutrients on young HLB-affected trees and an optional field tour in the afternoon. Each attendee will receive a notebook of the printed presentations. Registration is required. Lunch will be provided.

The workshop will open at 8:30 a.m. for registration with the program starting at 9 a.m. The cost is $30 if participants register by February 8 and $40 after February 8. Certified Crop Advisors (CCA) continuing education units (CEU) have been requested.

Participants may register at  Questions? Contact Jamie Burrow,, 863-956-8648.


8:30 a.m. Registration

9 a.m. Welcome and Introductions, Mr. Chris Oswalt, Multi-County Extension Agent

9:10 a.m. Updates on BMPs in Citrus, Dr. Kelly Morgan, Professor of Crop Nutrition

9:40 a.m. Using Smart-Irrigation Apps for Irrigation Scheduling in Citrus, Dr. Sandra Guzman, Assistant Professor of Hydrology and Smart Irrigation

10:10 a.m. Break

10:20 a.m. Silicon: A beneficial nutrient for citrus production, Dr. Muhammad Shahid, Assistant Professor of Horticulture

10:50 a.m. Impact of Micronutrients on Young HLB-Affected Citrus Trees, Dr. Davie Kadyampakeni, Assistant Professor and Dr. Samuel Kwakye, Postdoctoral Research Associate

11:20 a.m. Wrap-up, Comments/Questions, Mr. Chris Oswalt, Multi-County Extension Agent

11:40 a.m. Lunch

12:40 p.m. Field Tour


The mission of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is to develop knowledge relevant to agricultural, human, and natural resources and to make that knowledge available to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. With more than a dozen research facilities, 67 county Extension offices, and award-winning students and faculty in the U.F. College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF/IFAS brings science-based solutions to the state’s agricultural and natural resources industries, and all Florida residents.  |  @UF_IFAS


Posted: January 24, 2023

Tags: Chris Oswalt, Citrus, Citrus Research And Education Center, Davie Kadyampakeni, Irrigation, Nutrient Management, Workshop