5 faculty, staff win CALS teaching/advising awards

CALSFACULTY  - Mortensen 041315Amy AlexanderCALSFACULTY - Baldwin 041315CALSFACULTY - Lucky 041315CALSFACULTY - Monroe 041315

Left to right: Chris Mortensen, Amy Alexander, Rebecca Baldwin, Andrea Lucky and Martha Monroe.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Five University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences faculty and staff members have won the 2014-15 college teaching and advising awards for their contributions to advancing undergraduate and graduate student education.

The five will receive their awards at a banquet April 16, said CALS Dean Elaine Turner.

“These honored faculty and staff carry on a long tradition of excellence in teaching, advising and mentoring in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences,” Turner said. “One of our top priorities is to promote excellence in teaching, and this year’s honorees are passionate about what they do, bringing creativity and a personal touch to their work. I’m grateful for all they do every day on behalf of CALS students.”

Undergraduate Faculty Adviser of the Year:

  • Rebecca Baldwin, an assistant professor and undergraduate coordinator in entomology and nematology. Baldwin teaches “Principles of Entomology” and “Bugs and People.”

Undergraduate Staff Adviser of the Year

  • Amy Alexander, academic adviser for the plant science major. Alexander helps all students in the major with their short and long-term academic issues and with internships and jobs. The plant science major is a collaboration effort by the agronomy, environmental horticulture and plant pathology departments.

Undergraduate Teacher of the Year:

  • Andrea Lucky, an assistant scientist in entomology and nematology. Lucky teaches advanced insect classification and an introductory entomology course called “The Insects,” which introduces students to insect biology and associations with humans.

“It is an honor to receive this award,” Lucky said. “I am grateful for the inspiration from my students and colleagues, from whom I am always learning.”

Undergraduate Teacher of the Year:

  • Chris Mortensen, an assistant professor in animal sciences. Mortensen teaches courses in equine science and reproduction, and he teaches the senior seminar. He is working closely with other UF faculty to develop critical thinking and argumentation skills in undergraduate students.

The Graduate Teacher/Adviser of the Year:

  • Martha Monroe, a professor in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation. Monroe teaches environmental education, conservation behavior and wild land-urban interface issues.



By: Brad Buck, 352-294-3303, bradbuck@ufl.edu

Source: Elaine Turner, 352-392-1963, returner@ufl.edu




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Posted: April 13, 2015

Category: Agriculture, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: Andrea Lucky, CALS, College Of Agricultural And Life Sciences

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