UF Professor Contributes To New Book On Aging

Linda Bobroff Bobroff@ifas.ufl.edu, (352) 392-1895 ext. 240
Kevin O’Neil KWONeil@aol.com (800) 956-0037

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GAINESVILLE, Fla.—A University of Florida professor offers her expertise on nutrition and diet in a new book on aging.

Linda Bobroff, a nutrition expert with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, authored the chapter on nutrition and diet in “Optimal Aging Manual: Your Guide from Experts in Medicine, Law and Finance.”

“As simple as it may sound, food choices are near the top of the list of things you can change about your health,” Bobroff said. “Although choices made early in life can affect health in later years, it is never too late to change a lifestyle to promote successful aging.”

In her chapter, Bobroff discusses the role of nutrition in health. A healthy diet reduces the risk of having a chronic disease, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes or osteoporosis, which are the major causes of disability and death in the United States, she said. The chapter also includes a questionnaire to help readers think about their nutritional risks, and she offers dietary guidelines and sample menus.

“I am pleased to contribute to this book for baby boomers and older persons,” Bobroff said. “If readers learn more about changes in nutritional needs and concerns as people age, they can move toward a diet that supports positive aging.”

The book offers tips from 56 experts on promoting emotional, physical, legal and financial well-being. Topics included in the guide include the effects of aging on the organs and systems of the body, as well as diseases associated with aging.

Special topics discussed include alternative medicine, sexual dysfunction, living wills, end-of-life issues, communicating with your doctor, reducing the risk of falls, knowing when to give up the car keys and traveling with peace of mind.

The book is available from Optimal Aging Publications. To order, call 1-800-956-0037 or visit http://www.OptimalAging.com.



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Posted: December 1, 2004

Category: UF/IFAS