Cultivating Curiosity: A New Plant Podcast

Hours long commutes, appointments, meetings, kids, family obligations, mindless scrolling; all the ways that we inadvertently chip away at our finite resource of time. I often find myself seeking out those timeless moments, watching a cloud change shape, listening to the hum of bees visiting palm flowers, wondering at the fractal patterns in tree branches. We slip away a bit then, glimpse a slower being, a way to interact with our environment not predicated by our watch or our calendar. To find some of that joyful wandering time in my day and to share those moments with others, my fellow Extension agent and partner in curiosity Taylor Clem and I, embarked on a podcast adventure. We call it ‘Cultivating Curiosity’ in the hopes that it will cultivate your curiosity and expand your knowledge related to the world of plants, horticulture, ecosystems, landscapes and how we as humans interact with the plant world.

A year into this endeavor, with three episodes published, and I look forward to it every month, Taylor and I get to interview fascinating and joyful people, people that care deeply about their chosen fields of study and have wandered into the world of Extension through various meandering paths. We share what we know, ask questions, laugh, and learn.

I hope you will listen, ask questions and share.

Episode information so far

January 2024: What is Botany? (and a curious fact about Robins)

Join us as we discuss the nuances of modern botany with our guest, Marc Frank. Marc is the UF/IFAS Extension botanist, responsible for managing the herbarium at the Florida Museum of Natural History.


February 2024: Under the Canopy (A look into the Urban Forest)

Dive into the Urban Canopy as we talk all things ‘Tree’ with Dr. Andrew Koeser. Andrew is an Associate Professor of Environmental Horticulture specializing in arboriculture and urban forestry.


March 2024: Insects, Plants and Us (A look at the relationships between insects and landscapes)

Discover the fascinating world of insects and how they interact with our landscapes with Dr. Adam Dale. Adam is the Associate Chair for Extension in the Entomology and Nematology Department.



Native Blue Porterweed
Posted: March 7, 2024

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture
Tags: Adam Dale, Andrew Koeser, Botany, Featured Hot Topic, Gardening, Marc Frank, Plants, Podcast, UF/IFAS Extension